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Any One A Minimalist?


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Don't get me wrong... in some ways i miss all the gear that i had and sold over the years, especially my mpc60, but everything seems to flow so much more smoothly with a minimal setup. now i just have a powermac running reason, live, digital performer and a few other apps. i have a very modest rack consisting of just the basics (sound card, amp, hard drive, power conditioner, etc...)

i find working with this and my controller (pcr50) to be very fast, my system is always always on and i have lots of desk space with dual 19 monitors. i'd like to get 2 lcds but they're quite expensive for not actually serving any musical purpose (it won't make my music sound any better yo!)

i don't really know what the purpose of this thread is, but if you have a small/minimal setup, post some pics... is it all you really use to create? i wouldn't really expect anybody to do any sort of mastering on a budget/small setup, but i've got some of my mixes pretty tight for the genre that i am aimed at (dnb) with my basic setup.

i feel as if i don't really NEED anything else, some stuff would be nice like a relly nice mic, a really nice compressor, and mabey a processor upgrade for my g4.

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I used to love working in recording studios that resembled NASA control rooms, but I'm a little gear weary these days. Over the last three years I've downsized a room full of gear to an ibook hosting DP, a couple of soft synths and an albeit rather extensive sample library.

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Originally posted by CAPPS

very respectful setup. nice krk monitors...

do you use any type of softsampler for other sounds besides what the waldorf is capable of ?


Nope, dont own any sample collections either. :D


Honestly, this setup is the way it is because I'm a poor college student. If I actually had a steady flow of income I would have about 3-4 more synths.

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i'd sort of like to go minimalist, but i must be addicted to hardware - i keep collecting stuff even when i say i've got to get rid of a few things.

i must admit, i've got stuff sitting around that doesn't get used.

i don't have much that i'd really 'want' to get rid of, tho.

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Originally posted by ptpenguino

I've been happiest and most productive with just a single keyboard, a pair of headphones, and some software...



I hear that, brotha. None of my expensive and numerous synths could hold a candle to what I was able to do on a cheap, near-toy Casio. Quality sucked, of course, but the potential was there!

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scubyfan wrote :

Quality sucked, of course, but the potential was there!


I really need simplicity for my music setup. I'm never going to be a professional musician. I'm in school, studying to be an architect. It is pretty intense, and there isn't a whole lot of time left for other things.

But, I love music. I need it. If architecture is Order for me, then music is my Chaos. I don't like the word "hobbyist" but I guess it's accurate enough.

I need to make music for my own sanity, and when the setup gets to complicated, it does the opposite, and it makes me crazy. I can't deal with the problems generated by the whole "this goes in here and out there through this, this, ands that..." I've seen it work, and I am always amazed and mystified, but when i'm at my drafting table and nothing's going right, all I really want is to pour out my frustration through some violins. Violins are great for frustration, because they never sound right, but they still sound good...


I'm home for the holidays, away from my keyboards, but I still have these songs swimming around in my head, so I got a $5 thing at a discount store... "Rock Star Classics" appears to be the brand name. It has flashy lights. Twenty-three keys (23!?). P.O.S., but it does what I need it to, which is to help me write, all tickies and note-letters, but that's more than nothing. I see it as a symptom... I think I might donate it to one of those holiday toy charities, and bring the old casio* home to keep me sane here.


And more rambling.


* The old, OLD Casio... the one I practiced on when I was six. Not the old Casio that is my current "nice" keyboard...

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Originally posted by ptpenguino

I'm home for the holidays, away from my keyboards, but I still have these songs swimming around in my head, so I got a $5 thing at a discount store... "Rock Star Classics" appears to be the brand name. It has flashy lights. Twenty-three keys (23!?). P.O.S., but it does what I need it to, which is to help me write, all tickies and note-letters, but that's more than nothing. I see it as a symptom... I think I might donate it to one of those holiday toy charities, and bring the old casio* home to keep me sane here.




Oh no, dont tell me we're going to be micing that thing up too!

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I used to be. (XP-60, JD-990, S2800, Acid Music) Then things worked out and I began to expand out of control to test things. Over the past year I've been shrinking it down again.


Stick with the minimalist concept. I think people get more done this way and often creatively push their gear. With big setups it often takes a lot of discipline to stay focused on a goal. Of coarse this isn't everybody but a great deal of people IMHO.


A lot of modern creative genres of electronic music where pioneered by folks with minimal setups.

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