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Clavia G2 software


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"Before you start this demo program you must realize that this software only hints on the possibilities of the hardware. This demo program itself is not intended to be used as a musical tool. Of course, the G2 hardware instruments are real professional musical instruments. That's why they are designed as independent hardware instruments with a velocity and aftertouch sensitive keyboard the acclaimed Clavia pitchstick and modulation wheels, plus a revolutionary new front panel concept. In our view, only hardware can offer rockstable and trouble free operation in a 'single box solution'. In other words; real musical instruments that you just pick up and take on the road to do a gig or a recording session. Or just to have a good time jamming with your friends. Still, this demo software gives you a good chance to see and hear what those characteristic high quality sounds of the G2 instruments are all about. And try out the endless possibilities by patching new synthesizers."



from the clavia website, lol.

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Originally posted by Mike51

this demo software gives you a good chance to see and hear what those characteristic high quality sounds of the G2 instruments are all about.



I hope their hw version sound better. I have a rme soundcard and this soft doesn't sound so good to my hears ( i like my nord way more). Anyway some presets are good.

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Well, I wouldn't hold your breath. Preliminary results indicate that the software version sounds *identical* (at 96k, differences exist of you run it at a lower sample rate). It will take extensive testing to determine if this is really the case, but I just loaded a handful of patches and there was honestly no discernable difference down to the gain structure (meaning at default patch levels and 0db settings on my audio card's mixer the levels were equal). I had to keep checking to tell which I was playing.


But for me, this is a very good thing. The code exists! I just hope they are smart enough to offer users the option of a full software version. I would gladly pay $350-$400 for a full software version with 32 poly and Audio in/MIDI out disabled. I would ditch my G2 Engine in a heartbeat.

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Originally posted by Mike51

"Before you start this demo program you must realize that this software only hints on the possibilities of the hardware. This demo program itself is not intended to be used as a musical tool. Of course, the G2 hardware instruments are real professional musical instruments. That's why they are designed as independent hardware instruments with a velocity and aftertouch sensitive keyboard the acclaimed Clavia pitchstick and modulation wheels, plus a revolutionary new front panel concept. In our view, only hardware can offer rockstable and trouble free operation in a 'single box solution'. In other words; real musical instruments that you just pick up and take on the road to do a gig or a recording session. Or just to have a good time jamming with your friends. Still, this demo software gives you a good chance to see and hear what those characteristic high quality sounds of the G2 instruments are all about. And try out the endless possibilities by patching new synthesizers."

from the clavia website, lol.



Translation: "Please don't take this software and run. Yes, it really is nearly as good as the G2, and it's free, but we still want you to spend money on the G2 even if you don't need the extra voices or the disabled modules. G2 sales are low, so we released this as a demo to drum up sales. Please don't use this as a replacement for the hardware G2. Please!"

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you're dead on, Jeebus. the accompanying disclaimer is truly pathetic. this kinda shakes my confidence in Clavia image of serious and untouchable company that they had so far.


isn't this dangerous? isn't it possible for someone to crack the code, and release a a new VSTi based on it?? i thought Clavia would never do something like this..

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Originally posted by Umbra

Generally it's poor programming that makes the G2 sound weak. People just wire up an oscillator or two, and a filter and expect instant magic.


you're absolutely right. but that's exactly the strenght of old vco analogs. even one oscillator into a filter plus a single vca/vcf envelope CAN create magic. no bells and whistles, just great sound.


i tend to think looking at G2 as strictly 'virtual analog' is way to limited and kinda unfair. it's meant for other more advanced arhitecture sounds. its strenght is in being ultimately flexible. its not a do-it-all wonder box, as is no synth ever produced. different strokes...


imo, if one has lust for the simplistic but fat analog sounds, you go and pick up a Pro-One, SH-2 or Prodigy for $400-500 and be done with it..




btw has anyone ever done a side-by-side of G2 (using a similar to NL3 arhitecture) and NL3 ?? does it really sound the same?


i've played NL3 couple of times and together with all the demos i've heard from more advanced users/programmers, its my favorite VA for vintage/classic analog sounds. otoh, all demos that i've heard so far of G2 sound a bit 'colder' and digitally harsh. can't say i'm crazy about this sound. so, am i mistaken, is it only programming or G2 really sounds that much more different? this has nothing to do with arhitectural differences, i'm talking basic texture - sound of saw wave osc, sound of 24dB filter etc.. anyone care to comment??

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anyone else having problems with the file? winzip wont extract it, saying it is damaged. Have tried repeated downloads.




nevermind, problem resolved.


After playing with it all I can say is I made the right choice with Reaktor.

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ya, I have to think i made the right choice in going with the VariOS over the G2 engine. But I still think its a great box. If i had fly cash I'd pick one up just to run my Waldorf XT through... I'd slap the 4 outputs of the XT into an A and B stereo pipelines and Id pile on some crazy stepping madness all over it. I'd make only careful judicious use of the internal oscillators.

It would be MAX/MSP in a plain red wrapper for me.

Not that I'd wish anything bad on Clavia, but if these things dropped in price to about $400 (the engine) I'd be motivated.

You might think that's too low, even used, but I've seen new VariOS units going for $550. The Powercore is $375 at Novamusik.

Scope Project $650 new...


Man, I was listening to the Adern Flexor 1.5 soundbytes. If only Creamware could jump to the next generation at NAMM and replace those slow SHARC chips with a more current model. Think I read on the Creamware forum that the new Motorolla equivalant chip was about 15 times as powerful, so a Project card loaded up with 6 of them would be about the same as a 100dsp system today.

I'll be looking most carefully at NAMM for any PCI offerings from any companies. Korg and Yamaha have been there done that, but will there be any surprises this year? Could you imagine what an Oasys Xpress could do? i know its far fetched, but the original Oasys probably had an even smaller interest base than a new PCI express design (or whichever interface is appropriate- i admit i get confused about anything beyond PCI) How powerful can a PCI farm card be? I guess it would have to have a big ugly fan on it... hmnnnn, maybe it could be liquid cooled




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With me it was just an issue of bad timing; I picked up a micromodular around a year ago with little inkling that the G2 engines would start selling so cheap.


Had I known then, i just would have waited.


Even now, if I could get between $200-300 for the micro, I'd be tempted to sell it and spring for the new engine.


But some retailers have raised the price since it was released, making it harder to justify something I don't really feel I need anyway.


Still, the G2 along with the Powercore(with it's own native version of the V-station now available), are among the few remaining products that still hold my interest.

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As a purely visual guy (im a designer/video guy too), I LOVE the Nord Modular concept. I have a micro, and would love an upgrade, but just don't have the money for it. With that, and not having used the G2 software (I'm also a mac guy) i have to think that the software was not ment to give you a completly sonic representation of what it can do, but rather show you the possibilities of the G2.


Using the Micro for a year or so, I have to say, I walk down the street just imagening what patches would look like in my head, and thats a great thing.


Between the Micro and my other synths (ESQ1, MS2000) I'm able to do a lot of modulation and seqence monstrosity.


It's a great synth for FM, noise, pads, plucks. The basses are pretty good, as are the leads (although there are probably better) the apeal of a synth like this is the pure power you have, in a visual inviroment.


Thw CPU load is completly non-existant with the Hardware version (ive been able to run it flawlessly on a 500mHz PC on windows 98 with a Midisport 2x2)


Anyway I guess the point I'm trying to make is that this is really just a taste of the possibilites of the Nord Modular and G2. Whole live shows can be done with one if you'd like... it's that powerful. The price is a bit much (for the engine anyway) and I do wish they would lower it to maybe $600 or so... but it's still a bad ass VA (one of the best as far as I'm concerned).

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"The look of the program is rather yuk and uninspiring too."


Major issue for me. That's one nasty looking interface, and not an environment I want to spend time in.





I will give it time though, it's foolish to judge any software as complex as this in just 20 minutes or so......."





Can it sound as good as Reaktor though......thats the question?"


Im sure it can sound as good as some of the things Reaktor does when effects are added. But then again, Reaktor does alot more.

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