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MIDI Controller Vs. Synthesizer..which one do I need?


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I did a search for (midi controller, difference, synthesizer) and it came up empty. So I'm asking now--just so you don't think I didn't search for it. I'm recording music on my computer. I play bass and guitar and I ordered an M-Audio audiophile 192 sound card and a DMP3 pre-amp to record on my computer. I will be doing the recording on my own in my home. I'm not a keyboard player but I want to add keyboards to my music. So now I'm looking to buy a keyboard. Here's my questions.


1. So what do I buy? A MIDI controller, synthesizer or a keyboard? or something else?


2. What's the difference between a midi controller and a synthesizer? The way I understand it is that a synthesizer has built in sounds and filters, etc and can do a lot on it's own. And a midi controller is a keyboard that can hook up to my computer through my audio card midi connector and then I can use my music software to get different sounds and effects and trigger them with the controller. Am I close? or am I totally lost?


3. What software would be good to use to record keyboards on my computer? I'm prefereably looking for freeware or shareware or something cheap to start out with. I current'y have Kristal and Reacktion for recording. and I have an old version of propellerhead Reason.


4. Can you guys suggest some midi controllers or synths or keyboards to buy? I'm looking to spend around $100-200. the cheaper the better.



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yeah, you've pretty much got the idea down, you'd use a midi controller and vst softsynths (think of them like sound modules) a midi controller doesn't hold any sounds per se, but tells the module which note, how long, how hard you hit the key etc....as far as recording, I've recently been turned on to a program called Tracktion, right now you can get it free here it'll run most any vst program you can find, recording audio couldn't be easier, the interface is fairly straightforward and they've got a good forum at kvraudio.com. As far as which midi controller you should get *shrug* a think m-audio has a keystation 49 that might suit you...I don't know how many keys you need but it'll be a start for you...good luck,

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yeah. sounds like you wanna buy a midi controller. dwl that free version of tracktion (really really decent daw) and download all of the free vst softsynths and effects you can find -- finding out what you like and dont like. there are a lot out there. there are plenty of threads here at KSS on some of the better free vsts out there. a couple of searches should get you there.


good luck

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