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specs on Yamaha PA5C power adaptor please ?


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I know this is silly beyond beleif. Here's the deal; I have a Yamaha RM1X. I cannot find the adaptor anywhere but I know it takes a PA 5C. Absolutely NOWHERE in the manual or on the machine does it say what the power rating of that bloody adaptor is. All I know is that it is DC.


Soooo, if anyone has one of these little adaptors (they are very common and used on lots of other things) and can tell me the output voltage, amperage and polarity (tip positive or negative).

I would greatly appreciate it.


I have a few universal adaptors that I can set to the right specs if I know what they are.


I tried searching on google but all I get is a ton of unrelated stuff where the PA5C / 5B is mentioned.




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