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In Need of very portable Keyboard

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Does anyone know where i could find a keyboard that is lap-sized? it has to be no bigger than say L-24inches, B- 10inches.


I play with a few friends on an acoustic project so i need something inexpensie that i can sling under my arm and take about with me.

It would have to have a speaker and mainly a piano type sound.


idealy it would just be pretty much keys and a speaker without all the tonnes of control buttons.


I have seen Brian Wilsons keyboard play use one of these in a programme that showed them rehearsing so i know such i thing must exist!!!!!!!


cheers for any help

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http://acapella.harmony-central.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=823413 ?


Oh wait, it's got to have sound, too. Your best bet would then be a Yamaha PSR or Casio. Their forte is their light weight. Other controllers that don't weigh a lot usually don't have any sound engine at all tacked onto it. In the weighted keys dept, there's a Yamaha P-60; if you want synth action - well, synths usually don't have onboard speakers... so.

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