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FS/FT: GGG PT80 delay, DE7, modded 80's Crybaby, modded MT-2, Keeley Rat, CC Drive


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Several pedals for sale, might be up for the right trade. Prices include shipping and paypal.


1. General Guitar Gadgets PT80 Delay - Built and painted myself. I'm obviously not very good at painting, that's why it looks all beat up. Wired nicely, also added a volume pot on the inside since mine has a small volume boost. Sounds great, like an analog delay but with a bit more clarity! $65




2. 80's Crybaby with mods - SOLD!



3. Boss MT-2 Metal Zone with mods - SOLD



4. Keeley Rat 2 - Lm308, 3 way clipping switch. $110




5. Dano Cool Cat Drive v1 - The OCD sound-a-like. Comes with box and manual. CHANGED MY MIND


6. Ibanez DE7 Delay - SOLD




For trades, I'm not interested in too much. Here's some stuff:

High gain fuzz that isn't sensitive to buffers in front

Boss PS-6

Maybe a medium gain overdrive pedal?


Let me know if you have any questions!

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