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Medium Gain Pups In Ibanez RG-550?


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Hello. I haven't played any Ibanez guitars in over 10 years. I've been playing mostly Les Pauls, a few strats, and a Tele. I got the itch for having some fun with a floyd equipped guitar and got an Ibanez that needs pups. I have a set laying around from a 1981 Les Paul Custom. One is a Gibson paf neck pickup, and the other is some older Dimarzio bridge pickup that I'm not able to identify. I was wondering if it would be foolish to throw those in there, or if I should just go out and buy some higher output pickups for this type of guitar. If I wanted to experiment with some metal-type stuff with this guitar, would these types of pickups do the trick? Anyone been able to play high gain with more classic style pups? thanks.

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