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Feeler trade: EMG buckers for Duncan single coils/stacked buckers; sustainer


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So, here's the deal.


I have an EMG 81, 85, and 60 than I like, but not in love with. So I've decided to experiment with my Les Paul by jamming 3 single coils and a sustainer into the 2 humbucker route slots.


Anyways, if you've got a Hotrails, Vintage Rails, lil' 59, JB jr, Cool Rails; basically any of the duncan strat pick-ups that I could stick one right next to another. Looking for a crunchy one for the bridge, along with a classic sounding, warmer coil to match it (maybe a lace sensor, or lil 59?). A lil' 59 or cool rails int he neck to sit with the sustainer would also be great.


Anyways, let me know if you have some stacked duncans you might want to trade for my EMG's, with all the pots, electronics, caps, and an 18v harness. I'm just looking to see if I could get what I need in a single big trade, minus one or two things maybe.

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