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X-Station questions


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OK, the new Novation X-Station 49 looks like a cool product.

Altought I'm very disapointed by the lack of multitimbrality (it should be at the very least bi-timbral), I could use the X as a controller for my SH-32, and as a multi EFX box.


Now for the question :

2 stereo channels or mono ?????

If the internal synth is using the EFX, your left with a second EFX unit for another input source ?????

Can I plug 2 mono source (SH-32 + mic) and get you get a stereo mix out of them after going trought the EFX ????

Can you process two input source trought one EFX and the internal synth trought the second unit, or it's 2 EFX + a Third for the X-synth ???




Sorry if I sound like a newbee but I'm a bit lost about the possibility of the X and by the Novation presentation.




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