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Question about swapping Fatar keybeds


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I'm still trying to get a nice B3 action controller to use with the B4. I played a 61es a bit this weekend, and it isn't going to do the trick I don't think. Someone here suggested the new Deopfer d3m, which looks great, but is priced at about $550 USD. I also found that Doepfer will sell the keybed for the d3m, which is made by Fatar (model TP/8O), for ~$175.


Has anyone tried swapping out one Fatar keybed for another? Are they universally exchangeable, assuming the same key number and size? I think I can get a used SL-61, SL-161 or perhaps one of the cheaper studiologic controllers on ebay for $100 to $150. Is it reasonable to hope that the two keybeds can be readily exchanged?


I called the folks who make the Studiologic keyboards but they didn't know how interchangeable all of Fatar's keybeds are. I want to avoid trying to call Italy so I thought I'd try here first.


Any info would be greatly appreciated

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