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FT: Eric Johnson Signature Stratocaster - Fully shielded and properly grounded.

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What is it I'm looking at Guitarzan? A Carvin?


Thanks for the offer Johnny but I don't really want to mess around trading for a brand of a guitar I'm not familiar. Maybe dopey on my part but I just think it's too risky to trade for a guitar I've never heard of or played before. I'm sure they're nice guitars but there's now way I can tell!

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I'm not interested in anything I can't either research or go find and play. It's not that I'm a headstock snob. There are a ton of great small luthiers but I'm not going to risk trading for a guitar I've never played from a manufacturer that isn't recognizable and doesn't have a widely known reputation.

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Attaching a trade value of $1300-1400 to this. Anything less will require you to kick in extra cash. I'm not looking to do that though.


I'd look at PRS, Gibson, other Fenders. I'd be interested in trading for a Custom Shop Fender + Cash on my part. Anything Fender has to have a maple board however.

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I have other Fenders, including CS strats but I'm curious, why would you trade the EJ strat for other Fenders? What is it about it you don't like?


The thing that other people seem to really like about it. The neck. :/


I kinda like my American Standard neck better! Maybe I'm a tad n00bish. It seems a bit fat for me. Near the nut it's FINE I actually really like it there. Further up the neck things start to get hairy.


I'd really at this point prefer either partial trade for a Rick 360 or just cash (to fund a Rick 360)

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