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OT: Acapella Nintendo Medley: this rocks.


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Originally posted by cold truth


i would have walked out.

actually, i wouldnt have been tehre to begin with. it was "cute" or whatever but this was painful.



cold truth,

There's a word for what you just did. Floccinaucinihilipilification.


Cool word, eh?


I'm about to commit the same on your narrow opinion. You remind me of a guy I knew who valued only gangsta rap and absolutely only gangsta rap no matter what. He was the most utterly one track person I ever met. I don't know what track you're on, but stay on it! You wouldn't want to risk finding out you've missed something better!

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That video is priceless. I sent it to my brother, who is a high school chorus teacher. He and I used to play the original Nintendo quite a bit, so some of those tunes brought back some nostalgia from yesteryear.


Very creative! Thanks for sharing.




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I saw this video a while ago, I think it's great. The performance it's self was well done. They sang well, most of the tunes were recognizeable, the performers were entertaining, and they arranged the whole thing very well.


I don't think there was anything embaressing about it. Now what is embaressing is middle-aged keyboard players with long hair (demoing Oasys ususally...) "rocking out" to those "classic tunes". You old fogies!! :p

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Originally posted by Tbert

cold truth,

There's a word for what you just did. Floccinaucinihilipilification.

Cool word, eh?

I'm about to commit the same on your narrow opinion. You remind me of a guy I knew who valued only gangsta rap and absolutely only gangsta rap no matter what. He was the most utterly one track person I ever met. I don't know what track you're on, but stay on it! You wouldn't want to risk finding out you've missed something better!



Well, I guess I am guilty of this, too.


That word would not exist if we all liked the same things in equal amounts, so would the world really be better without it?

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Originally posted by Tbert

cold truth,

There's a word for what you just did. Floccinaucinihilipilification.

Cool word, eh?

I'm about to commit the same on your narrow opinion. You remind me of a guy I knew who valued only gangsta rap and absolutely only gangsta rap no matter what. He was the most utterly one track person I ever met. I don't know what track you're on, but stay on it! You wouldn't want to risk finding out you've missed something better!



so i only like one thing because i DONT like this? who is being narrow minded now? you make a VERY general and stereotypical statement about me simply becasue i dont like some lame ass glee club rendition of nintendo songs... who is narrow minded in this scenario?


yeah, i only like gangsta rap. yup, you got it. absolutely right. what a prick..... anyhow your stereotype couldnt be further from the truth, but you are welcome to continue to keep your head up your ass.

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Okay, I probably deserved that, only maybe not so intensely. You hit a nerve. People who are so rapped up in whatever alley of pop culture they're into, who won't give anything else the slightest consideration, regardless of quality, eats me up sometimes. People who hear 10 seconds of Beethoven and say "No wonder no one listens to that {censored}."


When a friend of mine brought a huge CD case to work one day, I asked him what kind of music he had. "All kinds, seriously, everything." I looked at them, and there was nothing but dance music. Trance, electronica, DnB, whatever, but that was it.


My apologies if I pegged you wrong. I should have said, "Your opinion reminds me...." instead of "You remind me...."


As for the glee club, they weren't my cup of tea either, but it was clever, well done, and funny, and I got a kick out of it.


As for Belinda....Thems some legs! ;)

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seriously though, i "like" classical but i dont own any cd's or attend concerts. i enjoy it in its context- whenever or whereever its played, but not enough that it dominates my music listening time or money. i will listen to full on film scores though....


anyhow i am not questiong the skill or work that went into that, like i said its "cute".. a novelty.


i consider myself reasonably skilled at the music i make personally, and there are people who like it, some who love it, some who dont care for it and some who hate it..... that doesnt discount the considrable time and energy i have spent learning and applying my craft... it just means that some dont enjoy it the way others do, and i am ok with that.


tahts why i have no qualms about saying i REALLY dont like something. as an artist myself i am a target for that same harsh perspective at times..... but that doesnt detract from my own talents, just as my dislike for what they do doesnt reflect on them that way.

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