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Sign Petition: ELP into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame


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Ok, I signed it...I read in the paper that people are campaigning for Weird Al Yankovic to get into the Hall of Fame. Perhaps, just perhaps, by an itsy teeny weanie whiny amount, ELP are more deserving? :confused:


In other related news, I have four hot tickets to GODZILLA FINAL WARS July 3rd in Hollyweird at the Egyptian...music by KEITH EMERSON! ;)


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Originally posted by Birdienumnum

Ok, I signed it...I read in the paper that people are campaigning for Weird Al Yankovic to get into the Hall of Fame. Perhaps, just perhaps, by an itsy teeny weanie whiny amount, ELP are more deserving?


funny ...


i'm one of the biggest ELP fans i know and i would be _fine_ with Weird Al getting inducted before ELP. i consider him just as great an artist.


i _am_ off to sign the petition though ...



ps: if you want to compare and contrast Weird Al and ELP i'm all up for that. they're more similar than you think.

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Originally posted by GregCh

You first





i'll compare first.


they both


- have mad skillz

- like to have fun

- intimately understand and can replicate _many_ genres

- cover tunes

- write original tunes in the style of others on occasion. weird al more than elp though.

- wear tight nut-hugging pants

- routinely go unappreciated for what they are

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Originally posted by suitandtieguy


i'll compare first.

they both

- have mad skillz

- like to have fun

- intimately understand and can replicate _many_ genres

- cover tunes

- write original tunes in the style of others on occasion. weird al more than elp though.

- wear tight nut-hugging pants

- routinely go unappreciated for what they are



oh c'mon. You can do better.


- Al rhymes with ELP

- they are all males

- Al has 2 legs . So do the guys in ELP

- Al made himself popular with a spoof of Michael Jacksons ' Thriller'. ELP have heard about Michael Jackson

- the name ' Wierd AL ' and my girlfriend says Karn Evil 9 is Wierd '70's music


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