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Nanopiano worth keeping?


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Hey peeps -


I just got into the modern age of music with Cubase. It's pretty amazing what you can do with a laptop and a minimal amount of new hardware.


My question is this: I have an old Nanopiano I used to use with my keyboard. Is it worthwhile to keep this thing or should I go with some sound module software?


I'm not really gigging with this thing, just using it for home studio stuff. But it seems like these things are holding their value somewhat (saw one on eBay go for 180).

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Originally posted by jeffdo

a few hundred bucks?



For hardware racks, you may want to check out the Motif Rack. It has very good Piano samples, strings, synths, etc. It may be on the expensive side, but it does sound great.



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To answer the other part of your question, I'd say it's definitely worth having a dedicated sound source...sometimes you just want to play, and not worry about having your computer on, the plugin loaded, etc. I know what a hassle this can be since that's how I'm set up right now.

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