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Modern analog heaven?

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Originally posted by urbanscallywag

Interesting, I'm not overly impressed with the S1 demos. I would have to try before I buy. Andromeda on the other hand...

Different tastes, I guess.



I should say that I don't think it sounds bad. I'm just not into poly analog very much. I'd kinda like an MKS-80 or a jupiter 6 someday, but it's not a very high priority.


I tend to like synths that are more "cutting" and dynamic. I'm generally not as into "warmth". The A6 is clearly very versatile, but it also has it's own sound which it cannot escape. It's not a bad sound, but it's not my kind of sound.

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Well, good, I can understand that. I would love a high end mono someday, but I want a poly now. I like pads. :)


If it came down to it I wouldn't be able to choose between all the monos on the market. Especially without trying them first. I'd probably end up with a .COM modular. :D

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Guest Anonymous


Originally posted by BOBA JFET

So for me personally, the S1 would be a much better value - one voice I love vs. 16 that I don't.




well, of course. there's a reason i scrimped for a sunsyn and not an andromeda. there's also a reason i didn't bother with the andromeda when the desire to buy a sunsyn waned...


[edit: i've spent a lot of time with the andromeda, and have never been impressed by its sound. i spent enough time with a sunsyn to want one very badly]


[edit two: i'd sell most of my gear for an ems synthi vcs3.]

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Originally posted by BOBA JFET

Well, yeah, but you get a hell of a lot of freebies along with those three 1k oscillators! There is also a VCA, a couple filters, a couple envelopes, an LFO, a dedicated noise generator, a mixer, a ring mod, a bunch of knobs, plenty of nice patchpoints, I/O including CV, MIDI, and audio, a (purportedly quite rugged) chassis to house it in...plus it's actually an original design, not just another moog clone.

Besides, I believe GSF agency can get you an S1 for only $2500.


GSF no longer distributes Cwejman gear in the USA. We buy our synths directly from Cwejman. They are working on some new products that I can't really talk about but I am offering design ideas and they are very receptive to them. Nothing that is going to compete with the S1/S2, I can say that...and that Dwaldman should be happy =)


We'll try to get some additional mp3s on our webpage within the next few weeks (all synths we sell not just Cwejman).


Thank you,


Shawn Cleary


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Originally posted by urbanscallywag

Does Analogue Haven have an M5 and S1 that I could place my dirty hands on? I love to try them both at the same time.


hello. Thank you for the mention. We have the S1mk2 and S2 in-stock. Unfortunately we are still waiting on M5s but I do expect them within a month. Still hashing out the shipment details with Ken.


I did buy a large Modcan Series B recently for the shop. Here is a not-yet completed pic from a couple of weeks ago (its put together now):




I am also about to move in a Yamaha CS-80. Come and play!


See you later,


Shawn Cleary


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Originally posted by psychoschism

GSF no longer distributes Cwejman gear in the USA. We buy our synths directly from Cwejman. They are working on some new products that I can't really talk about but I am offering design ideas and they are very receptive to them. Nothing that is going to compete with the S1/S2, I can say that...and that Dwaldman should be happy =)

We'll try to get some additional mp3s on our webpage within the next few weeks (all synths we sell not just Cwejman).

Thank you,

Shawn Cleary



Hmm...GSF should update their website then.

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Originally posted by BOBA JFET

Hmm...GSF should update their website then.


I agree. They no longer act as the distributor for Elektron either. Elektron sells directly to dealers, as they have previously, but in the past GSF acted as a sort of "agent".


The last update seems to be from 7/18/03 (news page).


I spoke with them 1.5-2 weeks ago. Very nice guy, Geoff is...they are representing a new software line called "Sonalksis" (http://www.sonalksis.com/) and of course still distributing Access (everyone waiting on the TI series).


Thank you,


Shawn Cleary


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