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Floyd is more relevant today than ever

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Their Live 8 performance was nothing short of pure magic. They sound better than ever!! Gilmour's solo on "Numb" literally made every hair on my body stand up and I almost shed a tear during WYWHere. God I wish they would reunite for a tour. I know it won't happen though. :(

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yes, i think it's one of the most exciting things to happen in the music industry in years. still almost can't believe they finally did it.


that said, i still haven't seen the friggin' performance yet. :( (i don't watch tv and my computer sucks) haven't really gone out of my way to try for some reason though... ugh. still need to get that Pompeii dvd as well.

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I hope they reunite, but I just think that's completely against their style and beliefs to do a big money reunion tour.


I think they were cool with doing Live 8 because there was no money involved and it was for a good cause. I can't see them wanting to be a band on a "reunion tour" for some reason. I'll stay hopeful though.


In all honesty, can anyone name me a better electric band in the world today than Pink Floyd?? They have it all! Great musicianship, unreal songwriting, great live performance and showmanship, AND they were one of the most innovative/groundbreaking bands in rock history! I think FLoyd is the greatest electric band in the history of rock honestly. I'd love to hear who people think is better.

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I love the floyd, always have... since about 16 yrs old (i'm 44 now!), but I can't understand what all this talk is about these guys on this forum. It's as though they are like socialist angelic beings who would never think of money, only the music. If you listen to their interviews in the Pompeii video, they make it clear they have no problem whatsoever with going more commercial and making huge gobs of $$$$. And in fact, from Dark Side to The Wall, that's exactly what they did. This stuff wasn't 'underground music' in any way, it was being played on FM radio all the time, and they were best sellers - deservedly so. But my fave floyd period is from the Barrett era up through Meddle, although I do like 'Dark Side' and 'Wish' a lot. I was never a huge fan of 'Animals' and 'The Wall' though there are some very good songs there.

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but the problem is they are history... i dont know if we can read too much into the re-union... I mean, they played four old songs, that's not exactly a comeback.


Personally I would take an album over a tour as I've seen Roger and the Floyd dozens of times... I think they could still craft a classic album though, if they were willing.


But- don't hold your breath. If we were prone to flights of fancy we might suppose that they are sitting in Syd's livingroom in Cambridge hashing out the songs he's been writing for the last 30yrs.

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Pink Floyd is the greatest ever!


I don't really wish for a reunion though. My guess would be that PF don't want it either. That would be inconsistent with how I see them.


They have left a heritage of some of the gratest music ever, and they've given lots of astounding performances. They've delivered more than what can reasonably be expected of anyone.


I wouldn't mind if they decided to perform together again sometime, just to give us some of that magic... :)


Edit: just catching a typo, and while I'm here (probably adding more typos ;)); I wouldn't mind if it went as far as a tour. It wouldn't have to involve new albums or anything. Just the stuff we love!




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Floyd...like The Who and Led Zeppelin and many other bands who became super stars in the late 60s to mid 70s...come from a time when bands were dedicated to one thing: Being the best band possible.


That goal was certainly coupled with the desire for fame and fortune--be clear on that!--but the path to fame and fortune for those bands was in playing and writing and creating at the highest level they could attain.


That goal seems to have been lost, especially that "playing the best possible" part, and I think all the folks who are so enamoured with Floyd are feeling a sort of nostalgia for that time.


Plus we havnt watched Floyd get old on stage like the Rolling Stones, havnt heard Floyd put out 20 years of inferior music (as opposed to their earlier work) like The Stones or Paul McCartney, havnt seen Floyd's tunes get used for car commercial like with The Who. P Floyd has remained relatively "pure." But dont kid yourself, The Wall IS going to broadway just like Tommy did.


Are they relevant today? Of course. Its rock and roll played in a way that people just dont anymore: Intelligent and extremely well played with no real inclination towards making a 4 minute single.


Sure some bands do this today, but record companies act very differently today. Bands dont get 4 or 5 "albums" to develop a following and work towards a hit. Like Journey did, like STYX did, like many other bands that I dont necassarily care for did (Im not encouraging anyone to go out and get the collected works of REO speedwagon...but they fit this pattern).


Add to this techology that has made it so that people can make decent sounds with very little skill on their instruments (read: modern synths). Virtuosity has become a bad thing.


So...reherse, practice, write, learn, create.



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Originally posted by Analog Kid

but the problem is they are history... i dont know if we can read too much into the re-union... I mean, they played four old songs, that's not exactly a comeback.

Personally I would take an album over a tour as I've seen Roger and the Floyd dozens of times... I think they could still craft a classic album though, if they were willing.

But- don't hold your breath. If we were prone to flights of fancy we might suppose that they are sitting in Syd's livingroom in Cambridge hashing out the songs he's been writing for the last 30yrs.






wow. You wouldnt want to see Waters and Gilmour together? The difference, as proven at Live 8 is simply amazing.

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Originally posted by Mike51

wow. You wouldnt want to see Waters and Gilmour together? The difference, as proven at Live 8 is simply amazing.


NO NO dude!!! I'd love to. Just saying that if I had a choice I would take another DSOTM or even an Animals quality record over a tour where they relived the "glory days"

Heh, maybe not a Final Cut, though ;)

(and no, dont go thinking i dont love that record too!)



If it was a choice between new music or a "hello-farewell" tour, I'd say- hit the studio!


Dont get me wrong, im not anti tour, but I dont see that happening. Do I see an album happening? probably not, but one can dream.

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hey, are you dissing Nick and Rick


"..Cant get my motor to start- Cant get my motor to start.."

"looking under the hood- never did any good!"


Heh :)

Also, i like Wet Dreams and Broken China, but ya- I doubt we'd be hearing too much from them on a tour ;)

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hey, are you dissing Nick and Rick

Oh no! God forbid! :eek:


You're right of course - I was a bit too quick for my own good with that posting. Bring it all on! And lastly I'd like to see Nick Mason doing a season in FIA GT :D




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I'd rather they hit the studio first before touring. I was emotional as hell by the time their set ended for Live 8. You could FEEL the magic spun by the four of them being together. Their faces were open books.


Imagine what they have to draw on after 24 years of being apart. One final addition to the canon. It would be sweet if they were to do it.

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A reunited Floyd would destory all existing touring box office records currently held by Paul McCartney of all people (highest grossing tour in history,etc.).


Last time they toured, they filled Exhibition Stadium in Toronto (where I was living at the time) 3 consecutive nights....67,000 per night.


It was awesome to see them again. I didnt realize the Waters was capable of smiling, having never seen him do it before. Even Rick Wright was visibly really getting into it. It was a tremendous performance and it's great that ,for once, one of these hyped-up "reunion" deals delivered the goods. Big time.


But,will they tour? Once the euphoria of playing all that great music again wears off, then what? Will Roger Waters go back to spitting on concert-goers when he's in one of his moods? Will there be more endless fighting ? Will Rick Wright be officially let back into the band, or remain as a hired gun, as he was on the last two tours?


Sure, it would be amazing if they did it. Pink Floyd 2006 "When Pigs Fly" World Tour.The question is whether they can put all that bad stuff really behind them and keep it there for the months of performances and travelling that it takes to make mega-tours profitable?


It still would be their best bet.Another album would be a huge risk to their legacy. If it isnt as good as Dark Side or The Wall, they risk going out on a sour note.Because the expectations would be enormous.


We have Saturday's performance as a powerful reminder of WHY Pink Floyd was once the most important band in the world.David Gilmour doing 2 of the most famous and best guitar solos in rock music history. The sense of grandeur without pretention ( which separated them always from other 70s "progressive" acts), the feeling that even though you're watching 4 rather unassuming guys, that something much bigger is actually taking place, that this MEANS something. That this music is important, special.


The way that performance seem to transcend all the other performers there,the way their performance will be talked about for years, something that cannot be said about any other Live 8 acts.


So, if that was the last we'll ever see of them, they sure did it in style, in their little 20 minute time slot. If that's to be our final Floyd memory, then I'll

take it.


There's probably a million formerly big acts that wish their (possibly) final performance could be a fraction as compelling and powerful as that.They never could be, though could they?


Because there's only one Pink Floyd. :cool:

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Originally posted by Analog Kid

NO NO dude!!! I'd love to. Just saying that if I had a choice I would take another DSOTM or even an Animals quality record over a tour where they relived the "glory days"

Heh, maybe not a Final Cut, though
(and no, dont go thinking i dont love that record too!)

If it was a choice between new music or a "hello-farewell" tour, I'd say- hit the studio!

Dont get me wrong, im not anti tour, but I dont see that happening. Do I see an album happening? probably not, but one can dream.



did you download the DVD quality torren, AK? That part where Gilmour and Waters sing the chorus to WYWH was amazing.

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no, i dont really have the room on this machine- id have to fire up the PC.


I think you misunderstand me, I was just as in awe as you were while watching it- such a great way to start what was for me an exceptional weekend.


I dont want to be a party poop, but im just not seeing this go anywhere.


I'd love to be proven wrong!

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Where are all the massive kudos to Pink Floyd prior to May 27 on this forum?


I like them, too, but they haven't been Gods (prior to the Live8 announcement and concert) for years.


A lot of people under 30 just thought they were a bunch of geezers playing 25 year old songs.


If you are 45 today, who were the Return Gods when you were 15? That would be 1975. What group of 1955 made such a comeback? Stan Kenton? Elvis?


Outside of Pink Floyd fans, a few may have come on board. I think the rest can take it or leave it.

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as far as i've seen, they've always gotten much (well deserved) respect here. i'm more into the early singles through Animals stuff myself though, a handful of tracks off The Wall is about as far into them as i get.

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Originally posted by paostby

Where are all the massive kudos to Pink Floyd prior to May 27 on this forum?

I like them, too, but they haven't been Gods (prior to the Live8 announcement and concert) for years.

A lot of people under 30 just thought they were a bunch of geezers playing 25 year old songs.

If you are 45 today, who were the Return Gods when you were 15? That would be 1975. What group of 1955 made such a comeback? Stan Kenton? Elvis?

Outside of Pink Floyd fans, a few may have come on board. I think the rest can take it or leave it.




tal;k around the net is alot of folks under 25 are saying '"wtf? why have I not heard of these gys, and where can I get their records?". That's how kick ass that performance was. Floyd made a habit of having historic performances . They *always* deliver.

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