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O/T Pol: Important History Lesson for all Americans


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LOL, we can't let the hard righties get the upper hand.


If we give em an inch, they will tell us what church to go to, who to date and even worse, what synth to play


wick world, I am very impressed you found those quotes.

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So, as usual, I'm late to this party, and of course, I am an idiot... but am I understanding this correctly? The big lesson here is that politicians on both sides of the aisle are hypocrites?


Gee whiz, it's fun when we all learn something new!! I'm going to be outraged from now on!! Wow. Stop the presses.




No offense to GregCh; I'd be suprised if you didn't get this response from anyone over a certain age.


OK, I'm done feeling superior now. Carry on. ;)

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Originally posted by GregCh

If we give em an inch, they will tell us what church to go to, who to date and even worse, what synth to play



Good to see you have a sense of humor:)


I have stumbled on an actual respectful, reasoned discussion between a liberal (Tom Oliphant of the Boston Globe) and a conservative (Hugh Hewitt) while Al Franken and Sean Hannity were in the next room having passionate gay sex.



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Originally posted by GregCh

LOL, we can't let the hard righties get the upper hand.

If we give em an inch, they will tell us what church to go to, who to date and even worse, what synth to play

wick world, I am very impressed you found those quotes.






O.K. NOW .....


I'll expect you at the Southern Baptist Church starting next Sunday,

Susie Q your new girlfriend will be waiting there for you.


Oh and you'll have to sell all your synths, from now on you'll be playing a ..... :eek:





Oh, and about those clothes and hair style .... :D

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resisting temptation to make lengthy post about how whatever anyone said in the past does not excuse the apprent lack of planning for the occupation of Iraq. And also resisting temptation to lengthily post how regardless of what anyone said in the past, the "live bait" approach to terrorism that GWB is using apparently isnt working and is actually killing the "live bait."


not resisting temptation to post that all y'all should listen to the soldiers.




or perhaps listen to people who actually speak arabic




post getting too long. synthesizers ARE the devil

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Originally posted by Circulogi

Kosovo was a UN police action, one of many that Clinton got the USA involved in, all with bad results, none of them in the interest of the USA. When it came time to fight terrorists, people that actually had attacked us, nothing was done. So IN CONTEXT, I can see why they would say that. Now I'm no Conservative but Clintons foreign policy did suck, there is no question about it.



circu- how many American soldiers were killed in Kosovo ?

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