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Trade Feeler: 2006 Les Paul Std Premium Plus Honeyburst w/full upgrades


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I have a 2006 Gibson Les Paul Std Premium Plus on the block. WCR Godwood pickups, a full WCR wiring kit, Tone Pros bridge, tailpiece, and tuners, and a screwless pickguard so no holes have been drilled in the pickguard area (see pix). Excellent condition overall--there is a little bit of worming on the back and near the horn on the front, but nothing too major. Not the fattest neck but closer to a 50s than a 60s. Neck is straight and true, no visible fret or fingerboard wear. Weighs 10+ lbs--pretty sure this does not have weight relief holes. Also Gibson black plush hard case, extra set of knobs, some misc hardware, however I do not have the original pickups, electronics, or bridge, etc.


Since I know I'll get asked, I would put this in the $1,800 ballpark but am really looking to just swap it for something else cool. PREFER LOCAL PHILLY DEAL IF POSSIBLE but will ship if nothing around here turns up. Here are some things I'm interested in (+ cash or package deals as necessary).


- CS or AVRI Strats or Teles. Top choice would be a 62 HR Strat in white.

- Other higher-end Strats or Teles (Anderson, Suhr, Ron Kirn, etc)

- Gibson SG (would have to be the right one)

- Original Blonde, Brown, Black, or Silver Fender amps (no RI's or Tweeds).

- Early Marshall JCM 800 single-channel combo.

- Higher end master volume amps (heads or combos)

- Stage lighting equipment

- Or if it came down to it, cash money








Will provide more/better pix if you have something I'm really interested in. Thanks.

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