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Reinhardt Django, so-so samaritans, and 12 year old single malt.

Jon Doe

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The HR manager where I werk decided to get married. Also decided that her newfound passion for gypsy jazz should be the music at the reception. She came to me wiff this blissfull dream of hers and axed me if I could make it come true.


Well, long story short, I hooked her up with the baddest damn gypsy jazz combo in the PNW. They ordinarily play the larger jazz venues about town. (spendy, spendy, spendy)


Anyways, it all worked out like a charm and now I have about 2 gallons of "The Glenlivett" sitting behind my bar.


No good deed goes unpunished!


I hope my AA sponsor doesn't decide to pay an unannounced visit!! :D (jus kiddin)


Rock on ...





For the rilly curious it is: Pearl Django

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