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OT: URGENT: Katrina survivors need OUR help NOW!


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I live in Lafayette, Louisiana. We are coping as best we can, but are being overwhelmed with refugees. But that's NOT why I'm writing.


The people who have already been rescued are safe. But people are dying by the minute not just in the New Orleans relocation centers like the Superdome and the Convention Center, but in the thousands of homes and apartment buildings in the metro area, and in the rural areas of Lousiana. Our own Congressional representative stated on our local TV news that stranded survivors in rural areas are dying on the tops of levees for lack of food and water.




PLEASE contact all your federal elected officials and DEMAND that the FULL resources of the U.S. MILITARY be sent in IMMEDIATELY to save as many of these survivors as possible. PLEASE, I BEG ALL OF YOU.







Feeling betrayed by the U.S. government,


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I don't understand. Yesterday I heard that the New Orleans airport was open again - why haven't bunches of huge cargo jets full of supplies already landed?


Convoys of trucks, boats on the way ... all of which are taking days to arrive - what am I missing here?

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Originally posted by felix

Yesterday I heard that the New Orleans airport was open again - why haven't bunches of huge cargo jets full of supplies already landed? [...] - what am I missing here?

Probably, what you're missing "here" is what's over "there" - in Iraq.

It's hard to utilize what's not at hand. :(

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Our president needs to get a grip on reality. The repairs are estimated at $50 billion for this disaster. Where is this money coming from, with his 1.2 trillion in tax cuts? Why doesn't anyone in the administration understand finances?

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Originally posted by Ramras

Our president needs to get a grip on reality. The repairs are estimated at $50 billion for this disaster. Where is this money coming from, with his 1.2 trillion in tax cuts? Why doesn't anyone in the administration understand finances?




Well, that shouldn't be a problem. They have spent 270 Billion so far in Iraq and Afghanistan and no one batted an eye, so I'm sure there must be another 50 billion lying around somewhere.



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Originally posted by EerieDreamZ

My wife and I paired down our wardrobes considerably and have just donated 14 FULL garbage bags of clothing.

We also sent boxes of bandaids, alcohol swabs, sterno, drinking water. Whatever we could spend and spare.

I hope it all gets to the right people.



Probably was sold in a box lot auction today.

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