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FS/FT: VHT Pitbull 50st w/ EQ and Reverb


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Ok, last try. $1000 plus shipping and paypal fees (if applicable). If I don't get any takers it's going up on ebay. I've got a VHT pitbull 50/ST in mint condition w/ the optional reverb and EQ. It has fairly new EL-84 tubes and sounds incredible. It's in pretty much perfect shape with no scratches, dings, or knicks whatsoever. It didn't have a footswitch when I bought it, so I wired up a fender four button one I had lying around to control the channel, boost, eq, and reverb. All in all it's a killer amp. I play metal/hard rock and it had plenty of usable gain for me without a front-end boost. It also has an incredible clean channel with tons of flexibility.


Here are some pics:










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