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OT: Nintendo unveils new video game control mechanism.


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I realize that most here are synth geeks, not video game geeks, but Nintendo's recent announcement of the control device for their next-generation console is sure to generate some inter-geek excitement.


Basically it is a hand-held sensor capable of pinpointing its location in 3D space, potentially enabling the closest to "virtual reality" yet implemented. What do you guys think?



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I really hope they succeed with this - to me it looks like an important step forward in controller design, as stands to allow for a significant increase in 3-dimensional control, whilst at once being completely familiar.


Joypads completely suck - and whilst a mouse/keyboard may be good for certain types of game, it is far from ideal, unless you enjoy the pain of RSI.


The real problem they face is one of marketing - Sony will sell shedloads of PS3's, and XBox360 will probably do OK too, simply because many people lack the imagination to want anything more than tarted-up PS2/XBox games.

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