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How safe to use paypal only for HC transactions?


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I might be buying something soon from this forum and was wondering about my options. I know there are other threads about this but I could not find them. I saw one a few days ago. I'm sorry for opening up a new one. Thanks for the help though.


I thought that if the seller could post the item on ebay, bla bla bla, it would give a record of the transaction which could be refered to in the future.


Would it be as safe to not use Ebay and simply use Paypal? I searched but couldn't find a sort of option that would make both buyer and seller bind to a contract (ex: 200$ from buyer to seller; "amplifier X" from seller to buyer). All I see is "send money", a ticker to say it's for a "good", and that's it. After that, the seller could possibly say the good was a toothbrush and not send the amplifier.


To a scamming seller, there's also the option to withdraw the funds from his paypal account upon reception of the buyer's money, to run away with it.



I'm drawing up all these scenarios, and was wondering how much Paypal can really protect you. Is Ebay necessary to have a formal contract?

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Ebay is not necesary to have a binding contract. Once you have an agreement whether it is verbal or written...or in email then that constitutes "a contract". As long as both parties are of legal age (18 in most states) it is legally binding. Although telling somebody that they have to uphold their end of the bargain is kinda laughable unless you have the means to take them to court to do so...which would end up costing you a lot of money anyways.

Paypal is not safe. For the simple reason that as soon as you send somebody money they can withdraw it or spend it. Paypal only refunds what they can get back for you. Most fraudulent sellers will take the cash and run with the quickness. In SOME cases... if you use a credit card to fund your purchase thru paypal...and you have a GOOD SOLID company they will refund your money.

It's really a risk any way you look at it. Good luck.

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yes, use paypal but pay using credit card through paypal, paypal cannot always get your rmoney back if you get screwed, you can always dispute the charge with your credit card company, they sided with me the one time i had to do it, never recieved my item and paypal was no help, so I disputed the charge through my credit card, never did get the item but the charge was dropped.

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Ebay is not necesary to have a binding contract. Once you have an agreement whether it is verbal or written...or in email then that constitutes "a contract". As long as both parties are of legal age (18 in most states) it is legally binding. Although telling somebody that they have to uphold their end of the bargain is kinda laughable unless you have the means to take them to court to do so...which would end up costing you a lot of money anyways.

Paypal is not safe. For the simple reason that as soon as you send somebody money they can withdraw it or spend it. Paypal only refunds what they can get back for you. Most fraudulent sellers will take the cash and run with the quickness. In SOME cases... if you use a credit card to fund your purchase thru paypal...and you have a GOOD SOLID company they will refund your money.

It's really a risk any way you look at it. Good luck.



A contract over a 50.00 pedal though--binding or not is a waste of time for most people to pursue anyways. It's fine to use PayPal, but pay for it with your Credit Card. The Credit Card Co. will More than Likely back YOU.

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