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Best sounds in a synth/sampler


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For best sounding recent synth - my vote current goes with Virus TI - and it aint just for trance heads - Im coming to the conclusion its a very flexible synth that can produce very diverse sounds.


Samplers - god knows - probably my favourite is not exactly a conventional sampler - and thats the V-Synth - its also a VA synth, an old D50 and a very good vocoder/vocal processor. On the sampling side I us it for three things really - loops:- drum loops particularly - playing them, mangling them, processing them; Samples - turning bits of them into bizarre instruments that I can play and also with much longer clips, doing wierd mangling of them. My main use it probably loop mangling.


Or do you strictly mean something that supports multi-samples across keys, velocity etc?


As a bonus - both of the above have very good arps - the v-synth particularly - I know you didnt say you cared about the arp, but after getting used to having a really good arp - then maybe you will :)



To get more meanigful responses, some indicators - type of music, type of sounds, price range, what you expect from a sampler / what you want to do with samples etc might help.


The reality, the best sounding synth out there is whatever YOU like the sound of the most. Im sure nearly every response will throw up a different synth :)


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