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Music Man HD130 2x12 Combo (Fender Twin) $500.00


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Located in Flint, Michigan


Music Man Amps were a creation of Leo Fender after he sold Fender Instruments to CBS in the 60's. This amp is similar to a Fender Twin Reverb accept for the following items of note:


el34 tubes instead of 6L6


65 Watt or 130 Watts instead of 85+ watts.


No tilt legs


This amp is a two channel non switchable unless you had an A/B box and ran cables into each channel. Each channel has two inputs, a bright switch, treble, mid, and bass controls. Channel 2 has reverb and tremolo as well as a depth switch to add more bass. There is a switch to choose from 130watts or 65 watts or to put the amp into standby.


The rear has a 4ohm and 8 ohm output hack as well as RCA jacks for a fender style footswitch to turn the reverb and tremolo on or off (I do not have this footswitch).


The amp also comes with a leather cover.


The amp is in good condition save for a few minor tolex scrapes. It sounds fantastic. I use it with a ES335 style holowbody as well as a Telecaster. I have recorded with it, and it sounds great.


Check out reviews here..















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