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looking for dual showman blackface head


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Have you tried jumping the channels? It might work. I played a gig last night, jumping the bassman, and I stayed on 3 on both ends. It was louder than I prefer. Maybe I am just getting old. I will check around for a dual. A Showman would work too, right? They are virtually the same thing.

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Have you tried jumping the channels? It might work. I played a gig last night, jumping the bassman, and I stayed on 3 on both ends. It was louder than I prefer. Maybe I am just getting old. I will check around for a dual. A Showman would work too, right? They are virtually the same thing.



yeah man either one would work, I am no longer in the state of owning a bassman. I wouldn't jump the channels on the bandmaster, I prefer it's smoother side. I am looking for the 85 watts of pain that is a showman in specific. The jtm 45 clone I have is awesome, but again 45 watts is not going to fulfill my obligations for volume.

thanks for any help

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I have found that depending on the combo you use, you can get more or less distortion.


Man, again speaking to me getting old, I just can't fathom needing to have an amp that pushes more than a bandmaster or similar. I mean, yeah, there is breakup to some degree, but most clubs have PAs that you can use to mic stuff. I think the days of overly powerful amps is behind us. I saw Frank Black and the Catholics a few times years ago. They were all playing through small 12" rigs. That experience changed my perception.


Oh, have you tried a boost pedal? An EQ used as one? BTW, when is the Bandmaster breaking up?

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There you go. I mean, it's a ways from Bmore, but worth a look. Of course, it needs work. Offer him 3.

This might work too:

This is my hometown. It's be online for a while. It's cut down, so I feel like you could get it cheaper.




I actually know the guy selling that first one and I will pass on it, i have my reasons, that other thing is way out my league soundwise, I am definitely only going for a blackfaced showman. I want the internal break up to hit at 5 or 6, not at 9

I have tracked down a few, I almost made a move on one a few months ago but passed, I wonder if I still have it in my emails

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this thread is a statement about tonal awareness on this messageboard


:lol: That's funny.


That Super Six may be close to a BF Dual Showman on the inside depending on the year. I believe the BF Dual Showman was an AA763 circuit. The early Super Six amps should be really close (plus reverb) and a few quick mods away from a black face. I have a '72 Quad Reverb that I did a BF mod on.



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I did the blackface mod on a twin once and wasn't really into it, I have to say there is nothing better than the real deal, no matter what you are looking for no modded amp is the equivalent of the real mccoy. I say this from 10billion experiences with a trillion different amps. There is just nothing that will behave like the actual amp you want, in this case I am looking for the big sound with much break up.

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That's funny.

That Super Six may be close to a BF Dual Showman on the inside depending on the year. I believe the BF Dual Showman was an AA763 circuit. The early Super Six amps should be really close (plus reverb) and a few quick mods away from a black face. I have a '72 Quad Reverb that I did a BF mod on.



the quote of my post there is the absolute truth, I would swear over 50% of the people who play guitar have no understanding of tone or what they are looking for in an amp for real. It's like the air apparent view of most high school kids, the name marshall = AWESOME sound no matter what, well i think 90% of marshall products suck. I do dig the town and country combo and those little 4210's though.

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I did the blackface mod on a twin once and wasn't really into it, I have to say there is nothing better than the real deal, no matter what you are looking for no modded amp is the equivalent of the real mccoy. I say this from 10billion experiences with a trillion different amps. There is just nothing that will behave like the actual amp you want, in this case I am looking for the big sound with much break up.



Well I can't argue with that. I agree. The mod will get you close but something about the Master Volume really takes away from things. Good luck on your hunt. A showman makes a great bass amp too.



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Well I can't argue with that. I agree. The mod will get you close but something about the Master Volume really takes away from things. Good luck on your hunt. A showman makes a great bass amp too.




I know, a part of me is drolling over it mentally right now. I can't wait to meet this guy, he apparently has 2 of them sitting around that he never uses.

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