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Returning my Motion Sound KP200S


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Based in part on the reviews in this forum, I bought a Motion Sounds KP200S amp. After practicing and rehearsing with it, this is what I found:


* When turned up loud, it hissed like mad.


* Even at full volume, it was not that loud. And the sound was clearly distorted.


* The stereo effect was not pronounced enough to make up for the above shortcomings. Even with the expander turned up and the amp positioned as recommended.


* The high end was really lacking. The piano patch on my Casio PX-310 just turned to mush.


* It did make the terrible acoustic piano patch on the Nord Electro barely usable.


Basically, for the price and weight, this amp is underpowered. I have been using a Mackie SRM450, so I am used to tons of headroom. This amp struggled to get even halfway decent volume. I play in a rock band, so volume matters.


I am returning the amp and getting a Barbetta 31C, which many folks have recommended. It's 20 lbs lighter than the KP200S and supposedly way louder. If I like it, I'll order another so I can have more volume and stereo monitoring at gigs. I'll have to drag around a mixer, since the 31C has no stereo link, but it seems like a reasonable price to pay.


I'm interested to see how the Yorkville K4 comes out. But for now, I have given up on the concept of a compact stereo amp.


I am sure that the KP200S is a dream amp for some folks. But not for me.

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I use a pair of SRM350s with my rig. They're great, very light.


My only complaint is that once you reach a certain volume threshold the speakers lose their warmth, the sound becomes harse to my ears, painful at close range. Even in a small club I run a line to the PA so I can keep the monitors below the "butterknife" level, then I'm happy.:)

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The 31C has 2 8" speakers. I might be a little concerned about that if volume is your need.


What do you mean about no stereo link? They have a 4 channel mixer on them, if you don't need that many inputs you could easily use 2 to run in stereo without a mixer.

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Originally posted by phatmann

* Even at full volume, it was not that loud. And the sound was clearly distorted.

* The stereo effect was not pronounced enough to make up for the above shortcomings. Even with the expander turned up and the amp positioned as recommended.

* The high end was really lacking. The piano patch on my Casio PX-310 just turned to mush.



For me, some of these things were also true (except the distortion - I didn't have a problem with that) until I turned the Expand/Stereo effect down to about 1. That made all the difference in the world to me...



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Guess that short cuts don't apply here, big sound = big speakers and cabs

Nope, big sound= multiple speakers that can handle lots of juice, for keys that means at least 200 watts, speaker size has nothing to do with it. And for a loud band I would go for more like 400+ watts.


I have the sona 31 and you should consider the 41, it is bigger to carry but MUCH louder and that seems to be your goal.


I also think you should consider using two sona 31's, this is what I may do because the pair could probably handle any live situation and be stereo AND be easy to carry around/setup.



* It did make the terrible acoustic piano patch on the Nord Electro barely usable.

That will be the case with any amp, I bought another keyboard for just that reason, the piano sound was LEAPS better than the electro, especially live.

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That sounds strange... a lot of people have bought the KP-200s now and I've heard very few complaints. I've used mine for two years as of this February with zero problems and great sound.


One thing that made a difference for me was to use an AC adapter on my keyboard's power plug to convert it from three prong to two prong (you can also break off the ground plug but I don't like doing that). I left the three prong power plug of the KP-200s normal. This reduced a lot of noise caused by a ground loop between the keyboard and the amp and resulted in very clean. distortion free, sound.


I use that stereo expander at between 6 and 7 myself. And I rely on my piano sound primarily. I was so pleased with the KP-200s that I also bought a KP-100s for small rooms and both have served me extremely well.

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Thanks for all the replies.


I am interested in trying Barbetta instead of Mackie to see if I like their sound and their lightweightness.


I chose the 31C thinking I wanted a light, compact setup for rehearsals. I can add a second one for gigs to get more volume and stereo.


I did not realize that the Barbetta's mixer had enough outputs to do a stereo setup without an external mixer. This is good news if true. And another reason not to go with the SRM350.


I am finding that the SRM450 is a tad "boomy" for my taste due to the 15" speaker. I am hoping that the 8" speakers in the Barbetta provide a little more "punch". They say it is a loud 225W, so I remain optimistic that even one 31C will provide enough volume for most situations.


The 31C arrives tomorrow, and I have a gig this Saturday. I will let everyone know how it goes!

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