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Good synth?


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You dont say alot about what kind of sounds you want, what kind of music you play etc, what 200-300 is (dollars, pounds?)


Rompler? VA, something else?


If looking for second hand sound modules, then there are loads in that price range, including alot of digital classics.

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200-300 dollars....

Nintendo Rock.

I like the 3xOsc sound..... anything that sounds sort of cheesy.

nothing too complicated.



sorry, i can't be more exact in my requirements.... my knowledge of synth is lacking, to say the least!

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Originally posted by jbush4

200-300 dollars....

Nintendo Rock.

anything that sounds sort of cheesy.




Check out the Yamaha FB-01. It is an FM synthesizer module, (think dx-7 only less so.) programmable with your PC, and can do some cool tekno blip blip cheesy stuff. They go for $50 or so, maximum, which is a steal and a half.


That would get you started, and once you knew what it didn't do that you needed, you would have a better idea what to spend the other $150-$250 on



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Whatever you do, don't take a few days to research synthesizers; the varieties, the sounds, the capabilities, the prices. Don't visit the dozens and dozens of good websites that could give you a real education on synthesizers and provide you with valuable information that could help you narrow down the choices and select the ideal synth for you and your budget. Don't. Do. It.

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Originally posted by program_insect

build a sid module for about $75, check
for infos.


I imagine the majority of people that are getting into synths for the first time dont have the skills to do stuff like that. Even if you are just soldering and following directions.


heaven help you if the traces are small or it doesnt work after you spent hours upon hours putting it together.:cry:

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Originally posted by sizzlemeister

Whatever you do, don't take a few days to research synthesizers; the varieties, the sounds, the capabilities, the prices. Don't visit the dozens and dozens of good websites that could give you a real education on synthesizers and provide you with valuable information that could help you narrow down the choices and select the ideal synth for you and your budget. Don't. Do. It.




well jesus! i guess asking people with more experience than myself is a horrible idea too. thanks for the input guys.


seriously.... i haven't done research at all. none. i swear.

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You're not giving us very much at all to help you with. You can't just come in here saying I want a synth at a certain price level with 3 oscillators and expect people will have the patience to go through a lot of back and forth with you until you figure out what it is you want.


Do you know what a VA is? Do you know what a RA is? A hybrid? A ROMpler? FM? Additive? How many keys?



These are specific types which knowing even that would help us help you.


In the meantime, look at this thread:




It has a lot of the budget models in there.

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Originally posted by jbush4

Nintendo Rock


I don't think these two words can be used together...


the guitarist in me can't decide wheter to cringe in pain or to laugh manically


Nintendo is about as far removed from the Rock-realm as possible.

what's next?

Fisher Price Blues?


Well there's floodin' down in Texas

All of the telephone lines are down

Well there's floodin' down in Texas

All of the telephone lines are down

And I've been tryin' to call my baby

Lord and I can't get a single sound


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Originally posted by StompBoxLover

I don't think these two words can be used together...



people just make up styles. nintendo rock, glitch core, vagina mambo...


no one wants to be labeled anything. My best friend is in a christian rock band, he gets SUPER pissed whenever I tell him he is in fact in a churchy group.

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ESQ-1. 5 octave keyboard, three oscs and an analog filter, grungey 8 bit digital samples as oscillators, but you can select standard analog-ish oscs (tri, saw, square) or weird digital ones. A ton of modulation with 2 lfos and 4 envelopes, AM and sync for dirt. It even has a sequencer that you could use if you had no other options. I got mine on Ebay for $99. Pumped through good effects, it's sound can rival the Virus synths (which costs a bit more than $99).

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Originally posted by myteeGTi

people just make up styles. nintendo rock, glitch core, vagina mambo...




hmmm.... i'll just go with "{censored}". let's remove the word "rock" entirely.... then think about keeping the "nintendo" part, ya know, for the kids.... and then get bitched at for creating false subgenres of anything less musical than neo geo.... and finally change our 64 bit minds, and tell "nintendo" to get the {censored} outta dodge.

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