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MIKO order placed (I'm STOKED!!!)


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Well, I did say that I would order one of these bad boys if they were able to keep their pricing at anything much less than $2500 (and that would have to include the 15" touch screen...not optional), and so they come in at a price point of $1999 (including the touch screen), and BANG...I HAD TO ORDER ONE!!!




So here's what I ordered:


-Miko ($1999 base price)

P: AMDSingle-CoreAlthlon64-bit3200

MS1: 1GB ($315)

MS2: 1GB ($362)

HD: 80GB 7200 rpm

HD2: 250GB 7200 rpm ($313)

D: DVD Burner

3K: Keyboard

LM: 15" Touch Screen

MAC: Alpha Controller

CK: QWERTY Keyboard

DC: DJ Controller

AI: 4in/6out-24bit/96KHz

***Also so allows for an external monitor...not needed

when one is trying to be mobile, but I will use one

when it's just sitting at my desk (SWEEEET)

***And will be adding a PCI to PCMCIA card slot

for my HighSpeed wireless internet card*** (My Cost)


TOTAL: $2,989



I knew that I would end up adding a few things, so I really needed the base model to come in around $2500, and it actually did better than that. So I will be able to keep everything around the $3000 mark.


I know that this beast isn't for EVERYBODY, but it's PERFECT for me.


This will replace my laptop and allow me to get rid of a number of other external pieces (ie: soundcards, hard drives, video monitors, small keyboard controller, laptop, guitar effects like my GNX4, and MUCH more due to all of my plug-ins).


I have a lot to install into this baby, but the main items that I use daily will be as follows:


-Sonar 5 Producers Edition



-Sound Forge

-CD Architect

-and much, much more...


***And a few side notes:


First, I must give props to the OpenLabs team. I received two followup calls today, one from Jackson and the other Hank at OpenLabs, just to make sure that all of my questions had gotten answered, and they could not have been more helpful. Although Jackson was unable to answer a few of my question he was always good to put me on hold and go ask someone that knew, and Hank simply seemed to know everything. Great work to both of them!!!


And second, it was nice talking to someone who seemed to really have a passion for their product. I simply don't get that feeling anymore from a lot of the manufactures that I talk to. So my hats off to them for both putting out a cool new product (even if it's not for everyone...nothing is), and for having a lot of passion behind getting it right. Nice work guys (if you're reading this).


***Anybody else either placing or planning on placing their order???


And did I mention that I'm STOKED?!?!?!?!?!?

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I ordered the dual core version of the Miko. Initially I was skeptical when the Neko first hit the market. But when the realization that the Oasys runs on an Pentium chip running linux sank in. There was really no reason not to give it a try.


I will certainly give a blow by blow review of this thing (with pics) once it arrives.




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Congratulations!! Let us know how it works out.


I would be particually interested in how the "middleware" works in practice (e.g. the custom software that sits above MS Windows interface, and the other software that helps map controller data, etc.)


I am frankly surprised that OpenLabs doesn't provide more detail on their website about their "middleware", which could be something that would help differentiate it from simply a Windows computer.


P.S. -- Do they sell a case for the miKo? If not, they should work with someone to design a case. I am assuming the miKo is too big for a traditional laptop case, but probably too small for a keyboard case.

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That is some sweet, sweet s--t.


And the prices are only going to drop and drop (over time) ...


The future is here ... How long can you resist?


Very likely, this will be my "big" summer purchase.


Sick, absolutely sick. Not really into soft-synths (yet), but this is definitely the way to do it.

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Originally posted by MartinHines

Congratulations!! Let us know how it works out.

I would be particually interested in how the "middleware" works in practice (e.g. the custom software that sits above MS Windows interface, and the other software that helps map controller data, etc.)

I am frankly surprised that OpenLabs doesn't provide more detail on their website about their "middleware", which could be something that would help differentiate it from simply a Windows computer.


I would completely agree with the web site comments. I really think that they cold do a lot more to help themselves by by having someone come in and COMPLETELY redoing their web site. Simply not very impressive OR informative. There's little more than some basic marketing present there, but lucky for them, I still believe in the product, but still, they really should do something about that. It's been pretty poory from the start.


And as far as the "middleware" is concerned...well, that's part of my excitement. We had a neko user stop in here a while ago, and he seemed to love it. So I'm VERY curious to get some really time with this new toy (just wish they were ready to ship immediately...I'm hearing March or April...I really hope it ends up being February or March).


And last by not least, the case issue...that may be a hard one. I really would love to know how many of the Nekos that they sold and also what type of volume they're predicting for the MIKO. because I'm sure someone could make a few dollars building some cases for these things.


And by the way, Hank at OpenLabs made it sound like they had take A LOT of orders for these things already. Now I don't know what a lot is to OpenLabs, but he seemed pretty please with their initial response. So good for them, I hope they're around for a long time to come. It's a pretty cool concept when someone can see that it really is a lot more than a simple computer with a small keyboard controller attached...but hey, that's just my opinion.

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Congrats, guys -- Open Labs makes some very unique, cutting-edge products that although aren't for everyone, sure are for those of us who do those sorts of things :D


Have fun gigging with them -- I gigged with one atop my K2600 for a while, and it proved very useful, even though I didn't dig too deep into the veritable abyss of virtual instruments that was available even a year ago.


Pretty soon, there will be Bluetooth hubs in everyone's temples that send/receive MIDI/Audio data that we create in our minds. Ahhh, the old days of a nice Steinway and a B3...


...wait, I'm only 34. Nonetheless...

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Greetings CJ. Thanks for your input. A lot of us around here are hoping to hear a lot more from Kurzweil in the near future.


The K2600 is a beast, and hears to hoping that you guys have some more killer equipment in the works. The "big 3" need A LOT more competition.


Best to ya :D:thu:

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My system was configured as follows:


-Miko ($1999 base price)

P: AMD Duel-CoreAlthlon64-bit3200 ($500)

MS1: 1GB ($315)


HD: 80GB 7200 rpm


D: DVD Burner

3K: Keyboard

LM: 15" Touch Screen

MAC: Alpha Controller

CK: QWERTY Keyboard

DC: DJ Controller

AI: 4in/6out-24bit/96KHz


My system prices out at $2814


I figured I could add additional memory

and another harddrive later. Getting the duel core and enough memory to get a general feel of the insrument was more important to me.



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Congrats again guys. Dallas: that second hard drive may be vital for softsynths which seems to run better on a drive other than the OS drive.


The Miko is high on my consideration list. It really does bring the price level for running softsynths live down to a realistic area. I especially like the idea of running Reason on it and it might do well for running Colossus too, not to mention Ableton Live. I also like the idea of using a larger controller with it for a nice live dual keyboard rig.


I'm still curious about the Miko's live interactive video performance potential and if Open Labs is pushing that with any software partnerships. I know it can do video editing but since Open Labs is pushing the VJ angle then I assume they have some program or application in mind. But even without that the Miko is still one of the most interesting new keyboard products around. :thu:

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Not really into soft-synths (yet), but this is definitely the way to do it.





Hank at OpenLabs made it sound like they had take A LOT of orders for these things already.


I hope that is the case, so that the Miko line stays well supported and developed further. The original Neko seemed clunky and pricey, but the Miko has the right price, for all the features. I find its portability - while retaining the huge 15" touchscreen to be really attractive!


For my use, I could really see the Native Instruments Bundle, the Korg Legacy and Sonar 5 sitting nicely in this thing. Right now, I'm set, but the Miko looks like a good candidate for a future purchase.

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I just emailed a copy of this thread over to Hank at OpenLabs.


Hank, feel fee to chime in if you have any updates that you would like to share with us in regards to the MIKO.


And no, we won't see it as a solisitation due to the fact that you were INVITED to do so.


You have very helpful in regards to my order, and I thank you. Looking forward to getting my sooner than latter. :D:thu:

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Originally posted by acoustictones

Greetings CJ. Thanks for your input. A lot of us around here are hoping to hear a lot more from Kurzweil in the near future.


Thanks for your hospitality -- I am hopeful that we'll be able to tell our story fairly soon. We've been involved in a litigation for the better part of 18 months that has really prohibited us from saying much of anything on the www. And unfortunately for us, out of sight...out of mind.


Originally posted by acoustictones

The K2600 is a beast, and hears to hoping that you guys have some more killer equipment in the works. The "big 3" need A LOT more competition.

Best to ya


Thanks for the luv -- if those of us that are left have anything to do with it, you will see us thrive again.

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Originally posted by acoustictones

I just emailed a copy of this thread over to Hank at OpenLabs.


Hey Hank, I just deleted you from my Entourage yesterday -- I hadn't heard from in so long, I figured you were off doing something else.




Guess I better add you back in now...hope you're doing well!

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I like the concept of the Miko and the Neko's turning computers into instruments. I have a laptop and an X-Station and yes I've created some cool music on it but it's still a little hard for old-fashioned me to get attached to the {censored}fest of cables and cords and power adapters and stuff that it inevitably takes to make my laptop into a musical instrument. At it's best, my laptop music-workstation looks like crap and is the last thing I want to be seen on stage with. Ideally I want the computer part of my music-making to be transparent if not invisible. Open Labs is doing that, and they are doing it in a way that makes it easy to compare their workstations with other typical keyboard workstations.

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