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Anybody having success running NI plugins in Ableton Live?

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I'm a little nervous because I recently committed to switching to Live for my main sequencer (really excited!) but I've heard a few reports that it doesn't play well with Native Instruments plugins, which are my main soft instruments. Problems seem to be worse on mac but I would definitely be interested in hearing any positive/negative experience on either platform! Thanks.

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Originally posted by program_insect

I'm a little nervous because I recently committed to switching to Live for my main sequencer (really excited!) but I've heard a few reports that it doesn't play well with Native Instruments plugins, which are my main soft instruments. Problems seem to be worse on mac but I would definitely be interested in hearing any positive/negative experience on either platform! Thanks.



I've never experienced any problems, but I wouldn't say I'm a heavy user of softsynths. (Although I am of Live, and use a mac)



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Originally posted by program_insect

Can you elaborate on that?


I already have one of their flagship products and find it a real pain every time it's time to upgrade. For some reason my password needs to be changed every damn time I connect for an upgrade and I began writing it down after the second time.


I've also had times when i put in the right password and not have it pass until the third or forth time. :confused:


I hate their system for their website registration and repeatedly having to do it is far from joy. I think that they should take a lesson from Korg and Ableton.


I like Kontakt 2 for what it presently presents and think I'll sit on it for a while but the above killed any enthusiasm on purchasing any more of their products.


When something about a company upsets me, I don't support them. The power of choice and as Brad who used to work at Sweetwater knows, I'm a picky bastid when it comes to my music tools. :p:D

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right on, I can respect that, especially since I have had the same problems with their registration system! But honestly I just love the way they do music software...kontakt blows my mind and I can't wait to try reaktor out....I wish I could be as conscientious as you are about buying decisions...oh well, at least I don't shop at Walmart ;)

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Originally posted by program_insect

right on, I can respect that, especially since I have had the same problems with their registration system! But honestly I just love the way they do music software...kontakt blows my mind and I can't wait to try reaktor out....I wish I could be as conscientious as you are about buying decisions...oh well, at least I don't shop at Walmart




Dave Smith Rawks!

Moog Music Rawks!

Jim Heitz (Way Out Ware) Rawks!

Korg (Software division) Rawks!

Clavia Rawks!



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Originally posted by program_insect

right on, I can respect that, especially since I have had the same problems with their registration system! But honestly I just love the way they do music software...kontakt blows my mind and I can't wait to try reaktor out....I wish I could be as conscientious as you are about buying decisions...oh well, at least I don't shop at Walmart


I shop at walmart. Thier soap is cheap! :)

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