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Question about Drum Machines.


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Hey, I'm new in here, I usually haunt the guitar forums. So:wave:


I'm looking at hardware drum machines for practice, song writing and demoing. I'll be using it for extreme metal almost exclusively. I need it to handle several different beats, as many fills, multiple time sigs and tempo switching in the same song. Also, a decent selection of sounds (kicks, snare/piccolo, toms, hats, ride, crashes, splashes and chinas are about it) and the ability to put enough of them in the same kit (7 to 9 pc. drums, 1 hats, 1 ride, 2 splashes, 3 or 4 crashes, 2 chinas) to write the song would be great.

I can read drum notation and of course tab and can drum myself up to a point (just not this point) but just the same, I'd prefer it to not cause migranes trying to program and put together the daily fugue, much less a demo EP. Speaking of which, I need it to have a stereo out or something, so I can run it to a PA to practice with and to record it as realistically as possible (heh) don't I?

So does this box exist? The Boss, Zoom, Alesis ones sound cool, but the product descriptions aren't answering my questions on this level (a dumb one obviously).

If this helps, I'd be practicing/writing stuff like Suffocation, Necrophagist, Cryptopsy, Gorguts, Malevolent Creation, Emperor, Marduk, Immortal, Dark Funeral, etc with it.

Any answers, recommendations, advice (nope, I'm not going to use my PC) is appreciated.


BTW, Don't drum machines lose realism the faster you go? Do any retain what realism they have up to 200-220 bpm?

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You seem to have a descent understanding of how drums work.


You want complex stuff.


The challenge will be finding a unit that is not to difficult to use, but has the capability you desire. Any machine that can do what you ask will take some time to really get up to speed.


That said...


EMU PX-7 can do what you ask.

used market only

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