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i need help with solo's please


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first of all i dont know any theory and im not looking for anyone telling me thats what i need. with that said this is my problem,i feel that i can play pretty fast and that i can play a lot of solo's out there but when i look at tabs for lets say metallica solo's they look really confusing. i try to play all the hammer ons and pull offs but it never sounds good at all. i can play a few basic solos like the intro one to fade to black and sanitarium, the beggining part to one and some of am i evil among a few bits and pieces from other things and i guess im jsut wondering how you all went about learning how to play solo's and if you have any advice on what i need to do besides learn music theory. i would greatly appreciate it. thanks

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If you are trying to play solos copied from songs, I would suggest getting a device or software program that slows down music without changing the pitch. Do a web search, there are lots of them.

That way, you can listen to the parts you don't know very slowly, sing along to get the pitches right, and then find the notes on the fretboard. You can check yourself against a tab book if you have it, and it might start to make more sense once you have a good reference of what it is supposed to sound like.

Good luck!

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It's fine to say "I don't need to learn music theory... I don't feel the need to learn scales...". I used to say the same thing. The bottom line is though that eventually you will get to a point where you want to play your own solos. And for that, for the most part, you need that theory. No way around it. Sure, a lot of excellent players have never learned any theory, but they are the exceptions, not the norm.

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ok i guess i didnt really express what i meant. i mean ya i know basic theory and i will learn theory eventually through playing but i am not going to sit there and turn playing the guitar into a math class you know what i mean. i envy the people that can do that though it just isnt for me thats all. i would rather play what i feel than what i was taught.

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Originally posted by chino_151

i would rather play what i feel than what i was taught.






Then 'feel' your way into a higher level of soloing ability.



Otherwise, accept the fact that there is no substitute for learning and get to work. By your initial post, it is obvious that you need to work on technique and theory. "Feel" isn't going to change that. Nor is learning going to counteract or detract from "feel".

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Well, in order to play a solo, I usually try to find out what key it is in. Then, I try to cop the feel of the artist, and improvise the middle.


Kirk Hammet plays out of key. A lot. Not to mention, lead tabs can be very inacurate.:(

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Sometimes I find that I don't have the chops to play the licks the same way the original artist does. So, I listen to the song and view the tab if it's available. Then, I deduct my own best way to play it. I used to get hung up on playing it just like the original artist until I noticed many guitar players playing the same solo differently. I try to get the riffs as close as I can but I also try and leverage my playing strengths at the same time.



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