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What key is this in?


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There's this song... The verse works over these 4 chords:

Amin - E - G - F#


The chorus is as follows:


B5 - F#5 - C#5 - G#5


Over the verses there's a guitar melody which basically plays the notes found on the chord. I know some theory, but not much, and I just have no idea on what key the song is, so, I'd really appreciate any help.



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eeek. It's kind of all over the place. I guess if I were writing it out, I would put it in the key of F#, because the entire chorus and the resolution of the verse can be in F#. But the Amin and the G chords are way out of the key signature.
A minor has 0 sharps, G major has 1 sharp. Conversely, F# has six sharps, B has five sharps, and E has four sharps.

Nothing wrong with that, of course, if it sounds good. You'll just need to use a variety of scales over those chords. No shortcuts on this song!

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