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Question about recording with an acoustic

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I figured it would be easy, just blend the pickup with a mic, but then i read something about using up to 5 microphones and that has me scared. What's the most acceptable way?


I hate a LOT of acoustic recordings I hear too; often you can hear more clunking and flapping than actual tone.

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I don't know if there is an acceptable way... however, there are ways to get decent sounds cheaply :) I usually don't ever record an acoustic using a pickup - I just don't like the sound. If I do, I blend it in with the mics.

Ideally (when I have access to them) really good quality condensor microphones with small diaphragms are what I go for. Neumann Km-180 series are probably the best I have used personally.


You can get two Behringer ECM8000's really cheap... and they succeed any expectations you might have or not have. You'll hear a lot of negativity about Behringer, but these mics are really worth the money (they're like 30 dollars I believe).

So, to make my point - my way to record acoustic guitar is using 2 mics (move the mics around to create a nice stereo image) and a good sounding guitar. And that's all there is to it.

You don't mention what you're using to record (Hard drive, 4-track...??).

So in my opinion, these two cheap mics, well positioned ... a nice acoustic guitar and you're set.

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