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whats parallel minor?


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Whereas a relative minor is the minor key, or chord, that exists within a key signature. In C Major, A minor would be the relative minor chord. Its notes are all from the same diatonic scale, and it's always the 6th of the major scale. C# for E major, E for G major, etc.

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which brings me to another queery, regarding the major/minor
duality of a key. If CDEFGAB is the natural major relative to
ABCDEFG, how did this relationship become so prevalent when


these are all relative! Is it that only Ionian and Aeolian matter?
Looked at intervalicly, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 and 1,2,-3,4,5,-6,-7 ; this
relationship doesn't seem so significant. Of course we don't
look at intervals we listen to them.

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There are two main types of keys in western music, Major and Minor.
It is no more complicated than that.
Aolean or natural minor has a flat 3,6,and 7. This is relatively consonant.
Dorian has a maj 6th
Phrigian has a minor 2nd
Both are somewhay dissonant in a minor mode and you must realize that western music comes from church music and Gregorian chants and dissonance was not a good thing.

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Originally posted by Greg Cincy

I apologize. I'm rereading the thread and I misread. Modes such as Lydian, Dorian, etc. are not particularly useful for guitar. I'll just shut up now.



Thats not true Greg. Knowing the different modes are quite useful. It is not limited to a particular instument. You are not a guitar player but a musician that happens to play guitar.

I am sorry if I came on too strong I just did not understand your question.

Ask away. I genuinely want to help if I can.

Email me privately if you want.

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