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fretboard/middle C/


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Originally posted by MinorBlues

A string, 3rd fret

Bottom E String, 8th fret



The guitar is a transposing instrument. In concert pitch, that's actually an octave lower and is the 2nd space C in bass clef. The reason guitar is transposed is because if it weren't, you'd be either reading a lot of ledger lines or constantly switching between two clefs, or reading two staves like a piano. The solutution is to just write guitar parts up an octave so it all fits within the treble clef staff.


When you're talking about concert pitch, i.e. the actual sounding pitch, it's the 1st fret B string/5th fret G string/10th fret D string/etc. So if you're reading music that isn't written for guitar, you'll probably be playing it higher up the neck since it's not transposed.


Written middle C for guitar is 3rd fret A string/8th Fret low Estring.

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