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how to learn scales and modes??

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Do both! Too many times people will do only one or the other approach and end up missing the revelations they might have with one method and work long and hard to come to the same understanding by only playing or only writing.

I'd write them all out to get used how they're conctructed on paper and how they look in terms of notes/keys. Then I'd pick up my guitar and work out what I've written on numerous locations on the fretboard in different ocataves, across different strings.

As for modes, I got the most understanding of how to use them by spelling them all off of the same note. While it's good to know that Dorian is 2 of a major key, phrygian is 3, and so on, I got the most practical understanding of how to use them by spelling them all off of the same note and seeing how they differed when compared side by side.

Good luck!

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i must first agree to do both..........but even after you have done this you will need some good pattern ideas to help you relate it all......."the guitar grimoire" is a good pattern reference, but i wouldnt pay much attention to its theory text, just the patterns, which are three notes per string patterns....not the only good book for this but it is a start....i would start with C major so i would know where all the natural notes are first, and then go on from there :cool:

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