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m thinking of selling my TR-909 so i can use the money to get a quality UAD-1 card. I want that fairchlild compressor badly!


I keep telling myself that im doing the right thing because the 909 is so overly used and samples of it can be found everywhere that i cannot really justify holding on to this unit if i can just use samples.


My rationing is that after i throw sampled drums into effects, nobody can really tell the difference anyways. I dont want to keep this 909 as a trophy piece, but it looks so damn beautiful on my desktop! Yes im shallow!


Im finding the midi clock issue between the machine and cubase is not very accurate, and i dont like the idea of having to program everything into track mode first, whereas in kontakt or redrum i can just simply load samples in on the fly and change banks whenever i want.


God im so torn.


If i sell this, it will be going straight into the purchase of a UAD-1 Studio Pack.


Someone please put me out of my misery.

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why not sample all of your personal favorite knob-settings yourself, before you sell it?

Not only will you have "your" 909-kit still usable in some form when (inevitably) it's the sound you reach for in a given track... but it is also a nice way to say goodbye.

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I mean, I'm not a huge vintage drum machine guy, or even a vintage synth guy, but I always wondered what the whole 909 thing was about.. (I was always an 808 guy myself...) but honestly, yeah, I'd sample the hell out of it, nice and high quality samples. Then sell it...


If you really crave that style of sequencing, there are TONS of old drum machines along these lines, and newer ones that may or may not replicate the sound for much MUCH cheaper...


If you think the high quality effects card will add more than the 909, then you have your answer... If you have some cash left over, maybe take a look at some of the newer drum machines out there, you might find a new best friend between a new drum machine and a high quality effects card...

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i wish i still had mine...someday i will buy another one though and maybe that is what you could do as well.


prices on 909s aren't really going up or down so you could always pick up another one later when you have more disposable income. unless of course you are the original owner in which case there is no way you should sell it.


to be honest though, you'll probably regret it as soon as it leaves your hands so maybe it's best to suck it up somewhere else to come up with the loot.

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Let me get this straight. You're going to change your 909, which should pretty much hold it's price say over the next five years, for a bit of PC hardware - that won't.


Have you considered how pissed off you will be when they finally get round to releasing the PCIe version to use in current-generation PC motherboards /Macs (or you find the one you've got doesn't fit your next PC / Mac).


Have you checked to see whether 64-bit drivers are going to be written for the current card, or whether this will mean an upgrade to a newer card (so the manufacturer minimises legacy support and number of operating systems to be supported by the new card)?


Are you aware of the additional latency the card will introduce to your system?


And then you find out that the Fairchild implementation isn't analog afterall. ;)

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Originally posted by Mook

Let me get this straight.



shh ... don't talk him into keeping it. i need to buy it from him.




j/k. i already know someone who will probably sell me his 909.


(the one i'm using now belongs to a friend of mine. i should have one of my own.)

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Originally posted by ManiacManos

You should keep it. I like PCs, and they seem to get faster and faster, so a DSP card will be pointless in a few years. OTOH, analog machines keep their value.

If you need a good virtual compressor, take a look at this. It seems fine...



Yep. I had a Powercore, sold it, and got myself a dualcore Athlon. I run quite a few instances of Pristine Space (more instances than I could have had of one of the Powercore reverbs) and I haven't overloaded a project yet. :)

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Originally posted by suitandtieguy

shh ... don't talk him into keeping it. i need to buy it from him.


Yeah, those 909's are crap. Just give it to the STG charity and save it from filling a landfill site. :D

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Even though I'm not a fan of that music, I'd say keep it. The depreciation value alone between and computer hardware is a show stopper.


Plus, if you sample it what kind of converters/preamp are you using? If it's pro-sumer crap you could grow to hate those sapmles down the road.


It's my firm opinion to NEVER sell gear you still have a use for just to buy other gear. You will regret it later and will end up re-aquiring it at a loss. In addition you know the shape this gear is in and what to expect from it. That is unless your particular unit has quirks (the midi timing) that others don't have which you could do without. In that case just make sure to write the S/N down so you don't buy it again 3 years later! :p



As a UAD-1 owner, I find it interesting that you want to sell the 909 for a compresor (Fairchild) that lops off the low end! I'll admit it is a good "glue" though an tightens things up. The Parallel adjust works well though to blend how much of the effect you want.

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thanks for the replies guys.


It seems like an overwhelming NO on this forum.


I will definately take that into consideration....


While i do agree with everyone that selling the 909 only to use that money to buy a buntch computer hardware is a bit of a sour deal, im actually focusing my music productions more towards software technology.


I really want to use those UAD bundled plugins, it just so happens that it comes in the form of a PCI card.


I havent actually touched the 909 in a few months and its literally just sitting there after a few years of incorporating it into my tracks.


Honestly, i only use it for the kick, never touch the snares, and everything else on the machine are samples anyways. Im trying to base my decisions on USEABILITY, as opposed to the whole hardware vs. software debate.


I figure'd why am i even holding on to this unit if im not even using it, when i can be using the cash into something else that i will be using all the time......its like saying "hold on to that Juno 106, even though you dont use it, because at least its better than absynth".


I was so determined to sell it, and i was even making preparations for a transaction with another friend of mine last night, until i woke up this morning and checked this forum.


After reading the replies, im not quite sure if this will be the right thing to do. To be quite honest, although i hate for the 909 to be trophy piece for me right now, it IS one. Its literally just sitting there and collecting dust, but at the same time i dont want to sell itt because afterall it IS THE 909. I only know of people that switch from software to the 909, not the other way around. But at the same ttime, i dont really use it that much anymore, so whats the point?


It's like buyying a nice car, and having it parked in the garage all year round.


I thank everyone for their suggestions though, and i will consider every advice i get. It has now make the decision even more HARD. God im torn!

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I have one of the last D-Stations sold brand new by Music123 and even though I only use it once in a while, that sound is invaluable in many applications. Not selling it!


Unless your going to upgrade to an XBase 999, keep it. You'll be glad you did.

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Im gonna get my ass flamed for this one, but if you do not need the built in sequencer/sex appeal, get you a Novation Drumstation! You will have lots of money left over.


Also there are a bunch of hardware kick drum modules, some built to sound just like the 909 kick. jomox makes one, if i am thinking correctly.

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Originally posted by MuzikB


I have one of the last D-Stations sold brand new by Music123 and even though I only use it once in a while, that sound is invaluable in many applications. Not selling it!

Unless your going to upgrade to an XBase 999, keep it. You'll be glad you did.


Ha! posted as I was typing!:thu:

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Originally posted by cl516

Since we're on the topic of Ridiculous,

how about this:

Getting a 909 even though one has access to Xbase09.

Is that Ridiculous?


I have a similar question::


I own a machinedrum already and currently have 2 grand to spend; I want to get set up with sweet analog drums, techno-style. Should I buy::


xbase 999


tr-909 and xbase09se


xbasese and uw-upgrade for md


tr-909 and uw-upgrade


Gosh even typing it sounds rather self-indulgent. But I've never owned RA drums and feel like going from 'zero to 60' on this one :).

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Originally posted by CardioGram

I have a similar question::

I own a machinedrum already and currently have 2 grand to spend; I want to get set up with sweet analog drums, techno-style. Should I buy::

xbase 999

tr-909 and xbase09se

xbasese and uw-upgrade for md

tr-909 and uw-upgrade

Gosh even typing it sounds rather self-indulgent. But I've never owned RA drums and feel like going from 'zero to 60' on this one


It all depends on how diverse an instrument you want/need and what is the closest to the sound your after.


My D-Station does just fine for me for now.

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