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find out they play 10 X's better when at band rehearsals or playing at gigs? i practice quite often (every day) with and without a metronome, on different stuff, always trying to boost my technique and knowledge...getting better all the time etc. getting faster, more accurate, and having a better knowledge of improvising and of coming up with melodic ideas for solos and other things of that nature. working on ways to challenge myself.


but i noticed this last week at practice our other guitar player was finally back (his works been killing him...) and even though our singer wasnt with us, we did what we could, and i absolutely kicked some ass on almost every song (except for a few i sang on, where i didnt really have a good grasp on the lyrics...) solos, harmonies, rhythm...didnt matter. i was tight, hit every note perfect...etc. i was high on adrenaline, and im wondering...it obviously has an effect, and im guessing it helps with making you play better...? anyone else notice this? i just felt more focused and both hands were working in sync with much less effort.


im also wondering if me adding lots of practice time (and i mean real hard work, keeping in time and making sure to use proper technique and work on weak points in my playing) also helped a bit? im sure it did a little, but if it made that big of a difference that just makes me want to practice and get even better (which is why i practice in the first place...and my fiance hates it, but i tell her thats what i have to do to get better...so i keep doing it to annoy her ;) )


anyone else got any stories/tips?

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complete opposite for me. i play my very best when i'm alone jamming with a backing track or record. it's because I am completely relaxed when alone, and when I'm with other people it's like i have to prove something - "See how much I know? See how tastefully I play? See how I never play a bad note?" - and i wind up playing what i know will work, and never taking chances, while during a practice session, i can take all the chances i feel like and not have to worry if it sounds bad

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I find I always mess up most when I am trying really hard.. if I'm just chillin out and playing casually, I play much better... must be due to less tension. Never really gigged though (at least not on guitar.. I did play percussion in concert band though..)

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I try to keep things in perspective. Practicing at home is just that - practicing. I can get some good technical stuff going, but it tends to be pretty dry. Playing with the guys is for making music. If the technical stuff happens, it's not because I "told myself" to do it. It's because I practiced it so much at home that when it was appropriate with the band, it just kind of happened. But playing with the guys, even the simple stuff sounds more musical, because you've got that give-and-take going.

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