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Why isn't Dorian the Natural Minor scale???


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It seems to me that with the Major Scale you can build the perfect maj13 chord.


And Mixolydian/the Dominant Scale builds the perfect dom13 chord.


No alterations, everything is a "natural" Interval name...no sharps or flats.


But Aeolean/The Natural Minor scale does not build the perfect m13 chord...it builds a mb13. There's nothing "perfect" about it actually the b13 is not natural, it's an altered Interval.


It seems Dorian should be the Natural Minor scale because you can build a perfect m13 with its Intervals.


Of course I've excepted the Natural Minor scale for decades but just wondered what every one elses take on it was. I'm not talking "Relative", I'm talking "Natural".

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Well, keep in mind that extended tertian harmony (9ths, 11ths, and 13ths) came a couple hundred years after the natural minor scale was already in use minor key music. Also, the system of notating chords grew out of the jazz tradition, and everything is compared to the major scale for simplicity, since everyone usually learns the major scale first because it is so common place. The alterations are then done for that reason, and not because of any functional reason (natural minor doesn't really have any altered notes, as if there was an 'unaltered' version of the natural minor scale... it just has the notes it has.)

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