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20 to 30 inch monitor for MIKO (Recomendations needed)...Thanks!!!

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I see 19" monitors all over the place, but can someone recomend a few good 20" to 30" monitors.


I'm trying to decide how big I want to go, and know that a lot of you guys could help me in this area.


Size, price, quality, where to buy, etc.


And let's just say we cap it off at $500 and less (not able to spend much more than that).


And built in speakers are NOT needed due to the fact that I will have it hooked up to my monitors (speakers).


And just incase it makes a difference to anyone, I will be primarilly be running Sonar and other programs that are included in the MIKO, may actually watch a few DVD's on it as well.

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this is the deal right here:


dell 24"widescreen ultrasharp flat panel + dimension 9150(dual core) for 1195




that special ends today but the same package goes on sale every two or three weeks, you just have to watch for it.


the display is awesome and is the exact same as the apple cinema display (same manufacturer, etc.) with a dell name on it.


if you dont want/need an extra computer for only 400 bucks you can find the monitor itself for around 800 usually if you look on ebay or froogle.


either way i definitely recommend it, it is without a doubt one of the best purchases i've ever made.

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Dell has some very nice Flat Panel LCD monitors. I have 2 19" LCDs connected to my computer and they work great.




For around $500, you could buy one 20" LCD Flat Panel monitor.


You will find:

-- 17"-19" is the "norm"

-- 20"-21" will be nearly double the price



The "primo" 30" widescreen costs $ 2,200:


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I dunno, why not just pick up 2 19" monitors? For what, $400, maybe a little more, you get roughly 40" of screen real-estate... it is a tiny bit bulkier but you also get a lot more space for a lot less. I'm just using a 17" LCD and 15" CTR, run 2 synth editors, DAW, MIDI patchbay, and soundcard utility program without a problem...

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