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What's your picking posture?

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Let's make a poll: what is the posture or more specifically the inclination of your pick towards the strings when playing in alternate?


Clockwise = it meets the string with the left side (on the downpick)


Counterclockwise = it meets the string with the right side (on the downpick)


I have always used it clockwise, so I am terrible at the other way, but I wonder if there is any benefit.

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I keep it even. At faster speeds, if you have it turned either way, it will end up causing fuzzy articulation.

The only change I do make is whether I tilt the top of the pick (under my fingers) forwards or if I keep it even. When I play things with a swing feel, I tilt it forwards, which causes the upstrokes to be heavier. For even notes, I straighten the pick out so both picking directions are even.

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Well, I'm one of the counter-clockwise camp (i.e. pick held between pad of index finger and thumb, fingerprint to fingerprint). I use a quite sharp pick, which helps the articulation.

The main advantages I personally find over flat to the string are tone, control, and speed, but really it's whatever works for you.

Li Shenron, if you're not happy with your picking, I'd give counter-clockwise a go, and remember to lock your thumb back using your first finger. If you're unsure how to do it, check out Shawn Lane.

I've had a lot of success teaching students that method, with dramatic improvements in speed, tone, and control, particularly in upstrokes, but everyone's different.

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Originally posted by Neilsonite

Li Shenron, if you're not happy with your picking, I'd give counter-clockwise a go, and remember to lock your thumb back using your first finger. If you're unsure how to do it, check out Shawn Lane.



I am not unhappy with my picking, it just came to my mind after watching exactly Shawn Lane's old instructional video, after many years.


My teacher had told me before I got the video, that Shawn was a counterclockwise picker, and that in his opinion this made him faster.


I'm not interested in top speed (not that anyone could keep up with Shawn...) but rather in his precision and reduction of movement.


I have tried to pick like that, it's extremely hard to hit the strings in time because I've always played the other way. It will take me hours and days to even play a simple scale at low speed.


My technical doubts are about how the pick meets the string. In counterclockwise it seems to slide over instead of "hitting". It may mean faster (less resistance), but it also means for me more noise and less precision, which is NOT Shawn's case at all.

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Originally posted by Neilsonite

Well, I'm one of the counter-clockwise camp (i.e. pick held between pad of index finger and thumb, fingerprint to fingerprint). I use a quite sharp pick, which helps the articulation.



I think Lane used the middle finger as well when holding the pick, is that true?


Do you remember if he used heavy gauge or light gauge strings?

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Never thought about that much.. but picking the CC doesn't seem much different to me.. just would take a little time to get use to.. I am actually faster with certain things picking that way (since I just started experimenting, although slower on some others).

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Here's a little thing that will do good things for your picking and pick control, and you don't need a guitar or a pick to do it.

If you ever stir your drinks, coffee, or whatever, stir in both clockwise and counterclockwise directions, and hold the spoon as if you are holding your pick. Also, try to get a nice vortex happening and try to avoid scraping the walls of the cup or glass while you are stirring and keep things in a controlled yet rapid motion.

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