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another roland problem


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i started a thread a while back about an electrical short in my roland ax-7, now something completely different is happening:


when i would normally turn it on, scrolling across the display would be "ROLAND AX-7".....


NOW, when i turn it on, it says "TEST ROLAND AX-7 VER 100"... and won't go to the default A11 patch without restoring the factory settings.


anyone with similar problem??

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I own an AX-7 and have been playing the heck out of it for a couple of years. I bought it used and it was a bit quirky until I did a factory reset. I haven't read your other thread so you might have already tried that.


While we're at it, an octave change button would have been a wonderful thing instead of having to go two menu levels deep which makes it impossible on the fly.


The plastic housing on mine is so flexible I expect it to fall apart any day. For a $499 keyboard it's got at most $100 worth of technology and durability. But what else is out there? Keys :cool:

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