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i'm in love: MOTU UltraLite


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wow, this thing is great. setup was a breeze, the 'xp media center scare' started by sweetwater turned out to be nothing. the routing flexibility is excellent, works great as a stand-alone mixer. the CueMix function/software is great, you can store up to 16 custom i/o setups. i don't think i've *ever* experienced such a completely silent mixing environment, everything is perfectly clear and can be blasted to insane levels. more inputs would always be nice, i'm actually thinking of picking up another some time in the future. this thing is fantastic.

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yep, all is well. good thing i have generally thin fingers though, i think if i had big clumsy hands i'd probably want to toss it across the room. the knobs are quite small and spaced pretty close together. maybe a sort of rubberized coating on them would help a bit...

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still going great. over the past few days i've been using it mostly stand-alone, without even turning on the laptop. works just as well like this, it's great to have the visual display for setting levels and routing configuration. really nice that it can save up to 16 setup configurations if you do a lot of switching around, or need different send mixes. i think i could get more use out of two more line inputs as opposed to the two mic/instr. inputs, still haven't tried these out yet. i'll get around to it, just haven't found a chance yet.


one odd thing to note about using it with Live (at least) is that the output numbers are staggered. make sure you have your proper outputs enabled in Live's audio properties, it goes like this:


1/2=(??) headphones? haven't really checked...

3/4=outs 1/2 on UL

5/6=outs 3/4 on UL

7/8=outs 5/6 on UL

9/10= outs 7/8 on UL

11/12=main outs on UL

13/14=s/pdif outs on UL

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