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Anybody using Future Retro Mobius sequencer?

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If so, please help me out with this...from looking at the manual, it seems that the only way to input or edit note values for each step is to hit the inc/dec buttons dozens and dozens of times...is this true, and if so, is it as much of a pain in the butt as it seems like it would be?

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if it's similar to the Revolution, then 'yes', that is the limitation...


and 'no', it's only about 1/2 as annoying as it sounds. but i guess it depends on how you personally like to use a sequencer.


iirc you can hold down the button to go up quickly... so that saves a little clicking..

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That's the Beauty of the P3.. not only can it accept incoming notes from a remote controller (mono OR poly),but you also have the knobs to input on the P3 itself, which is much quicker then inputting notes on my brother in laws Mobius.



The step increment note input of the Mobius is frustrating but workable, but I'll just stick to my P3. And with the recent price hike of the Mobius, you can almost by 1 P3 for the price of 2 Mobius'.... and a P3 is really 8 Mobius' on steriods.






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This bugs the software engineer in me because the unit already has a MIDI in port, and it would be such a useful feature, and seems like it should be relatively easy (unless code space is maxed out on the microcontroller, or something).


EVENT received midi note

IF step key X is currently being held down

THEN SET note val X to midi note received



Those 4 lines of pseudocode would make me buy the unit.

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Originally posted by program_insect

This bugs the software engineer in me because the unit already has a MIDI in port, and it would be such a useful feature, and seems like it should be relatively easy (unless code space is maxed out on the microcontroller, or something).

EVENT received midi note

IF step key X is currently being held down

THEN SET note val X to midi note received


Those 4 lines of pseudocode would make me buy the unit.




I don't think the code space is full. Because Jared had already indicated to me, that he was planning on working on a Mobius software firmware update, after completeing the Revolution and XS boxes, as he was going to add change sequence via Program Change like on the Revolution.







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