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stereo rig, best way to split signal


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I have just started to run my rig in stereo and was wondering how most people go about splitting the signal.


I have only played with it a short time and was using my ad9 to split it. Do must people use a delay or chorus pedal? What other ways are there?

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Originally posted by JuanPabloJr.

Do they make em w/ tuner outs?



I'm not sure I understand your question but I used to run a previous configuration from the splitter using one side to the main signal chain (side A) and the another channel (B) to a TU-2 tuner. Is that what you mean?

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Originally posted by TheAtomicJeff

I'm not sure I understand your question but I used to run a previous configuration from the splitter using one side to the main signal chain (side A) and the another channel (B) to a TU-2 tuner. Is that what you mean?



Nope... I was wondering if they had A and then B, and then a seperate, muted output for a tuner... so 2 amps and a tuner

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