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nova + studio electronics' new synths

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Originally posted by clusterchord

CODE is OMEGA 8 with different faceplate, new OS, and new set of filters. original offered SEM/Moog. afaik this one has Diode (MOTM GX1) filter instead of moog.


"Also new is the Filter Control section, which allows you to sweep through all the filter types in real time with complete MIDI control. The switches in the Filter Control section give you on/off control and/or momentary control of assignable parameters. Filter Control will give you full control of your audio source."



The wording's ambiguous, and, since I haven't heard it, I don't know if it really "sweeps" through a filter table. Unless that's a crossfade, I don't understand what it means in an analogue context. I do know that's not found in the Omega. It sure looks pretty wicked, though ;)

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Originally posted by clusterchord

its not a new synth per se, and this may not seem as much, but judging by the demos of ATC1 before and after the VCA upgrade, imo it makes a huge difference. sound becomes bigger, warmer, more organic and has this subtle saturation edge going on - very reminiscent of old moogs. must admit i didnt know a VCA could add to the sound so much. here are the examples, so u can decide for yourself:




After one listen, what I most noticed was that the second demo was louder...of course it's going to sound better!

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@13ghostsofscoobydoo - of course. level them out in DAW first, and .. try again.



@aeon - thats great they left both VCAs. it reminds me of some millenia or pendulum h-end gear with twin audio paths..


@synchretism - could it be they mean you could actually combine/route both filters ??!? :eek:


this would be a first for SE. i never could understand before why did they come out with boards that offer 2 or even 4 discrete filter circuits , and then not allow for them to be used simultaneously and have routings....


if this is actually the case, it will be a major advancement for SE synths. lets wait and see .. (like, i have $4k in the drawer, just waiting for this one .. :freak: )

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Originally posted by aeon

You would do well to consider some Cwejman modular envelopes then - they define fast response!


:thu: Now we're talking. ;)


The ATCX env. are nice, they aren't the snappiest like we've noted but they aren't sluggish either, somewhere in between.


Thanks for the clips! I've been meaning to upgrade my X and think it's going to be about that time now this summer.


Cluster, do you have any pendulum or millenia gear? The pendulum gear seems real nice and detailed.

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Originally posted by stikygum

Cluster, do you have any pendulum or millenia gear? The pendulum gear seems real nice and detailed.


i had STT-1 which indeed has dual topology - tube n solid state. HV3 pre is fantastic for clean stuff. M2B tube is to hifi for my taste - i prefer 737. aynway, i let it go - a friend of mine has it now, as i stopped trecording vox/vo at home. never tired the pendulum but that ME version looks killer - with choice of transformers on input etc. actually, once u enter the beautiful world of DIY, its not that hard to make this. u just buy additional coloured input xformers, and make a switch

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