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Just Bought Fender Vibro-King... Thoughts?


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Just won a Fender Vibro-King on ebay... LOVE the fender sound. I am looking at adding two pedals in particular: a usuably fuzz and a distortion.


I had a Bogner Shiva - so thing that gain, but not really... I also was not keen on Fuzz Factory - too crazy for me.


Distortion I was thinking Tone-bone Classic... and for Fuzz I was thinking maybe Keeley Fuzzhead, McFuzz, Fulltone Soulbender/'69 or '70...


Any thoughts and opinions...


Listen to my band if you want a better impression of style... nothing over the top... just good tone, singing sustain, and nothing too crunched or brittle.


Oh, and I have a Maxon OD9 that I can use as well.





I am now going to lunch, I expect some great presents in the form of responses when I return.

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I really like my Fulltone 70 fuzz. It's a silicon fuzzface clone.


I would also recommend an Analogman Sunface with the sundial.


Both of these fuzzes sound better when the amp is cranked up pretty good though, so depending on your volume requirements/restraints, you might want a power attenuator to get the most out of the vibroking.


Great amp, congratulations. Put casters on it, it's a heavy beast.



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Killer Amp. Fenders seems to like Tube Screamers, (to my ears). I think your Maxon OD-9 will do the trick. I think the Tonebone Classic is a killer pedal, lots of EQ options and a nice range of distortion. I think the Analogman Sun Face is great, too. I think you are looking in the right places.



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Originally posted by Matt_plan-R

Hey taco - can you describe your 70's fuzz??



It's Silicon whereas the Sunface is Germanium. Compared to Germanium, the 70 is more aggressive, a bit brighter and doesn't clean up as well. It's a very heavy fuzz and not in a metal way, but in a garage band or stoner rock sort of way. A lot of character. I wished it cleaned up as well as my old Sunface. I'm probably going to get a Sunface again (but one with the sundial bias control because temperature fluctuations really affect the tone and the bias control can help correct it). The Silicon fuzz (my 70) is a bit prone to picking up radio stations but that's part of the charm. Silicon and Germanium fuzz face clones seem to be very sensitive to the guitar's tone knob too so you've got some cool tones that can be found.



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In listening t the Sunface clips - it feels a bit overcompressed and nasally, which I am not crazy about


I am looking for a fuzz that is close to a distortion (the Vox Pathfinder practice amp I have has a GREAT fuzz sound for it's gain channel believe it or not, and I would love to emulate that - should I grab a tonebender clone?)

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