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new to the HCEF

rydia is hot

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hey guys...i'm new to this forum, mainly a lurker and electric/amp forum poster...go easy on me, eh? haha..


i'm getting a healthy collection of pedals going, and was wondering what the general consensus is for where to put my compressor. right now i have:

tu2 > dyna comp > ts9dx (modded) > volume pedal > dl4 > another dl4 > amp.


i have a tuna melt on the way that i'm gonna stick between the 2 dl4s.


as an aside, does anyone know what effect comes on in radiohead's 2+2=5 intro (where the guitar is being plugged in)? i've always thought it sounded awesome. thanks & take care.

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thanks for the advice and the welcome.
as for the effect, i know it's the guitar being plugged in, but it almost sounds like a weird trem effect or something happening with the buzz and whatnot...

edit: i think it might be a vibrato...didn't they use the boss vibrato on that album?

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Originally posted by rydia_is_hot

thanks for the advice and the welcome.

as for the effect, i know it's the guitar being plugged in, but it almost sounds like a weird trem effect or something happening with the buzz and whatnot...

edit: i think it might be a vibrato...didn't they use the boss vibrato on that album?



it might be that jonny or whoever missed the input and fumbled around to get it in. you cant see the jack on teles....

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