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How is the SHO at low gain?


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At very low volumes it acts like a buffer if you use it first in the chain, i.e, it pushes more volume to the rest of pedals and helps to deal with the signal loading that pedals and long cable runs bring. You hear this as a more sparkley and clearer tone.

Some people like that, others don't.


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I use a super duper with one channel on as the buffer all the time. But I like big sounding clean guitar with a lot of as my core sound and I use a lot of pedals to add different sounds on top of that so the SHO really works for me. If you're into more sludgey stoner rock type tones as your basic sound the SHO might not be the best choice (although it can do that in combination with a pedal like the Catalinbread Supercharged OD).

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